__Monday In-Depth Technology ( ontinued Irom P.im* I 1 i .m complete hrr thesis muc h Miniin ih.ui nnqm.ills pi.inni'il In .1 l.irqer < • >1111• xI ( -ivi'iidi>r S.IS s sill’ iH'IUnfS t IlCll .1*. llt'W let Imnli iqs I'Np.imls tin' ri'.ilm ill possibilities fcit pi-npli' with 111 s.il ii 111 it's si ii ii't \ ’ s mil.in .it lltuilc“s will III' exposed ( ,isendor i'\pl.lim'd \riuTi i .1 s pi>ri i'pt inns of people ss it Ii ilis.iliililirs i ii-.ilr .i str.uiK1' p.ii.iilux Mims si'i' tiis.ilih'il people .is mi omplelr shf s.is s Hut mi tin- i it In •[ It.mil ss lirii ii is.ilili'ii pi-npli' .in' .ilili' tn Inin linn norm.ills Ilii'\ .in si'i'll .is siipi i pi*iipli' l lii'ii' is iin ill hi'tss i t'll sill' S.IS s Milll'l '..IS S till ll'l Ills slipi'l i up .mil clis.ilih'iI s.iint .ui usi'il l.niqhmqls lis pi'ciplu with ilisuhililii's whim i.dkmq .ilmul (Ills p.lI.lllllS Hut these .ittituih" .in- lii'mi: exposed .is people with tiis.ihll it ics ti<'limn' more .11 I is r in schools m the ssurkpl.ii i .mil III .ill .tie.is nt sin lets - ( ..is enclill s.is s It ii i.i k es us .is mills ill mils .mil .is .i university .isk our seises Wh.it .ill' mil hidden pri'lllillies .ihcilil clis.ihleil pen pli"’ she s.is s i’luKiriuK the < me ks I he new equipment .uul ser s n es ,ui inlencleii priinurils Ini those students ssliu ( .isemlni s.iss t.ill Ih11111u11 the (.rucks' nl the qnseiiimenl.il support ss stem Die Oregon I ommixsinn fur tile liliml provides spel ltd set vires fur students with severe visual iinpinrineiits .uni the stiite's Vocational Keh.iliiht.i Iicmi l)r. isiuu siipp>u ls hearing itnpnired students Hut there nre students who •ire visiiidh ur hearing i in paired ur u tin muni .uni servii us v\urn mil1 limu allotments made eat h vu.ii I hu simlrnl survit us iil In u u ill m.iku ,1 proposal In thu \St () .mil I hu .iilministnil inn Ini iiu\! vu.ii s funds .liter .is sussing i hanges in thu .student piipnl.iluni .mil needs lli.it ma\ arise llul .it this point I '.tv unilm s,i\s sfiu has no idea how mm h mnnev vv il I hu given ( h end I though I m endor is uptimistir I lav ing seen a slough ol new equipment and i omputurs arriv e on rumpus she links the (last vv 11li the fu lure m one simple statement I hese are all just begin nings. ' she sav s Signature appeal Hugene's most prominent novelist, kei i kesev I left I. and student co-authors sign topics (it Caverns the hoof kese\ •mil I-I students wrote in .1 novel writing class Inst vi sir. .it the I niversit\ Hoof store koine waited in line for two hours S, third, n to f^et ,i signature. Photo by Steve Card Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 686-7372. The Plating Disorders Program at Sacred Heart | PREPARE FOR APRIL | DAT MCAT EDUCATIONAL CENTER MST PfttPAMIO* iHO-Ai.1%1% OHCl 'tj# Call Days Eves & Weekends FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING 485-5699