Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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( ontinucd from I’.igr I
house the t.unilies in apart
tiuuils or hotels
I .e e\ S.lill ( .itliolil < OIIl
umnilv Set vie cs then ,is
siyus .1 (.use manager to e.n ii
laniils I'his lamils must us
lahllsh a savings .a i ouui
vvitii the i ase manager as i o
I'arents .ire provided cm
plovuieut training h\ the St
\ mi enl I )e I ’.ill I Soc let \ anil
ate pa 111 S . per houi
At tile end ol tour months
the I.mills has enough mot)
es to rent its ovv n sp.u e and
is then ottered |oh training
In the Southern Willamette
I't is ale ludiisti s ( ilium d
I think out transitional
housing program is realls
e vi it mg hei ailse it's a tout
month program, (.uses
said ()ne ss eek in es en
three munths |iisl isn I
enough lime In i hange
someone s 1111■
Lmr ( anility Adminislra
Inr Inn Inhusnn '..I H i lie
agreed ili.il < lum hi"' inav
Mill III' till- llil'rll Jllill !• 111
house homeless families
I lir |iriil)li'iii u till Inins
mg jh i11lit* in i him hi s i mi
i in ns llu' | ih \ su .i! i hai.il li t
islli s of llii' i him lies them
selves. Inhnsiin s.iul Ynu
ileeil shins els set tints
parking .mil llu- right In
i lime and go I here just
isn’t a pel lei I III lie I ween a
family ami a i hurt h
) < i h 11 si 111 added lhal
i him lies are mil /oiled fur
residential use and that per
maneiil i lianges vsniild have
In lie made lur llu buildings
In p.iss mspei I inn as resi
deni es
The latest music news • •
Every Friday in “f
the ODE’s Entertainment
Section —
PO^VCf" * ontinufd from Pane
However |.iros said (heron
gressional f(fin e of I er h oology
Assessment 1.1st suilllllrl re
leased .1 report t .omprtsed of a
numbei of similes uidii.iting
llnil I Nil's m.i\ pose puliln
he.llth plolilems
J.iros I,ikes the news serious
l\ .ind he s.iui In- .md olliei
resulenls ure prepared lo fight
(lie powei line pi.Ill
II I lie HI’A intends lo pin
sue pi.ill \ (the south lulls
rmite|. fhev w ill t.u e .1
multiparty lawsuit, he said
Similar suits 111 other stales
lie said have forced utilities lo
delay reroute 01 abandon i oil
sli in I ion ol power lines
lie opposes the south lulls
route for aesthetii reasons as
well, lie said A royy of 1 1(1 foot
lowers flanking Spencer Untie
and Kidgcluic I'.uk would lie
slroy an otherwise heaiiliful
i ily vista lie said laros met
with HI'A representatives even
before lie bei ante 1 OIK emctl
aln nit KM I s
U hat w as 1 leal in meeting
(Mill Ifl’A is that then main
goal is getting from point \ to
point H at thi' ic.ist possible
lost he said
Running the power line via
■in .iltern.tte route would i list
■ m ,uidition.il si million to S ■
million a drop in the Inn hel
compared to tile l.Ollsequem I'S
to the i 11\ of laigene. it the
i hotipei route w ere ( hosen
faros said
Line ( minty <iommissionei
|eir\ Rust is part of .1 sulxom
mitlee tli.it is looking into ef
le< ts .1 high voltage power line
would have in residential
Rust said lie has received an
avalatii he'' of letters on the
siih|ec t and in terms o! input
from the public the power line
issue is hv tar the biggest issue
ol Ills politic al 1 .Heel
I lealth effec ts were c ited
most often in the letters he has
received Rust said, and they
were a leading reason he op
posed the projec I
Besides health effec Is were
c oneerns about livability and
aesthet 11 s Something emit
ling a loss and crackle would
real I \ not he pleasant to live
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Questions? We’d Be Glad to answer them!
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Host said .i number of neigh
borhnod groups, imc h 111 differ
enl proposed routes, h.ul sum
l.u riMsons for opposing the
plans l lie sutx omnuttee s task
is to effer tnel\ for us the dittei
enl opinions to mme the ufili
Rust s,iid however t hill
whatever h.i|)|)cns. the need loi
lot .11 power requires tli.it .1 Ijm*
!»' < oust rut let) somew hurt1
WI1.1I is needed. Ik; s.iuI is tu
seler t .111 alternative that would
•iffct t llic lovvust milliliter ot
|ii'oplr "A 'no build' is not .111
alternative.'' lit1 s.iid
Hob l.aflel. HI’A Kiigent- l)is
tin 1 Manager. suit! tin1 111iIit\ is
receptive to. and is expei ting,
public input on tlif tin ision
Suit f H)8r> tin- HI’A has con
sulti'd w ith tin- I ..mi- (inline d ol
(uivernments as w ell as tin- 1 it
ic-s ill Ihigene and Springfield
In- said
We ha\ i- not made a det 1
sum We don't know that our
route is the best one If we
knew tli.il. we wouldn't be
open to the public arena for
1 omments and suggestions
It someone can come tip
with a better proposal, we
i mild 1 nine up w itb a different
route " be said Within five to
ten vears a new power line
will be needed somewhere,
though, lie said
I’liblii lestimorn w ill be
aired during meetings f ell 1! I
and 28 the first of their kind
sill! e t'lga
t ili/eiis not along one ol the
lour proposed routes don't
seem to have the same level ot
alarm or awareness l.alfel said
1 atfeI said till- ev idem e link
ing I Ml s to health nsks is in
1 (inclusive and that high levels
ol f Ml s are emitted Iroiii mam
bouseliold items elei ti n blan
kets. for example
lie also said evident e does
not seem to unlit ate a maxi
mum lev el ol I AII act ivit\ that
poses a risk to humans "We
don’t know what that is at this
time We don't even know d
there is a (maximum) level, be
cause the ev idence is so incon
i lusive
"The goal is lor the least im
pact but I'm not saving no im
p.u t That's a bard one to 1 ail
l.iie it no matter what route
vou take, it's going to have im
pact on someone or some
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