Homeless ( ontinucd from I’.igr I house the t.unilies in apart tiuuils or hotels I .e e\ S.lill ( .itliolil < OIIl umnilv Set vie cs then ,is siyus .1 (.use manager to e.n ii laniils I'his lamils must us lahllsh a savings .a i ouui vvitii the i ase manager as i o signet I'arents .ire provided cm plovuieut training h\ the St \ mi enl I )e I ’.ill I Soc let \ anil ate pa 111 S . per houi At tile end ol tour months the I.mills has enough mot) es to rent its ovv n sp.u e and is then ottered |oh training In the Southern Willamette I't is ale ludiisti s ( ilium d I think out transitional housing program is realls e vi it mg hei ailse it's a tout month program, (.uses said ()ne ss eek in es en three munths |iisl isn I enough lime In i hange someone s 1111■ Lmr ( anility Adminislra Inr Inn Inhusnn '..I H i lie agreed ili.il < lum hi"' inav Mill III' till- llil'rll Jllill !• 111 house homeless families I lir |iriil)li'iii u till Inins mg jh i11lit* in i him hi s i mi i in ns llu' | ih \ su .i! i hai.il li t islli s of llii' i him lies them selves. Inhnsiin s.iul Ynu ileeil shins els set tints parking .mil llu- right In i lime and go I here just isn’t a pel lei I III lie I ween a family ami a i hurt h ) < i h 11 si 111 added lhal i him lies are mil /oiled fur residential use and that per maneiil i lianges vsniild have In lie made lur llu buildings In p.iss mspei I inn as resi deni es The latest music news • • Every Friday in “f the ODE’s Entertainment Section — 'V PO^VCf" * ontinufd from Pane However |.iros said (heron gressional f(fin e of I er h oology Assessment 1.1st suilllllrl re leased .1 report t .omprtsed of a numbei of similes uidii.iting llnil I Nil's m.i\ pose puliln he.llth plolilems J.iros I,ikes the news serious l\ .ind he s.iui In- .md olliei resulenls ure prepared lo fight (lie powei line pi.Ill II I lie HI’A intends lo pin sue pi.ill \ (the south lulls rmite|. fhev w ill t.u e .1 multiparty lawsuit, he said Similar suits 111 other stales lie said have forced utilities lo delay reroute 01 abandon i oil sli in I ion ol power lines lie opposes the south lulls route for aesthetii reasons as well, lie said A royy of 1 1(1 foot lowers flanking Spencer Untie and Kidgcluic I'.uk would lie slroy an otherwise heaiiliful i ily vista lie said laros met with HI'A representatives even before lie bei ante 1 OIK emctl aln nit KM I s U hat w as 1 leal in meeting (Mill Ifl’A is that then main goal is getting from point \ to point H at thi' ic.ist possible lost he said Running the power line via ■in .iltern.tte route would i list ■ m ,uidition.il si million to S ■ million a drop in the Inn hel compared to tile l.Ollsequem I'S to the i 11\ of laigene. it the i hotipei route w ere ( hosen faros said Line ( minty tin- HI’A has con sulti'd w ith tin- I ..mi- (inline d ol (uivernments as w ell as tin- 1 it ic-s ill Ihigene and Springfield In- said We ha\ i- not made a det 1 sum We don't know that our route is the best one If we knew tli.il. we wouldn't be open to the public arena for 1 omments and suggestions It someone can come tip with a better proposal, we i mild 1 nine up w itb a different route " be said Within five to ten vears a new power line will be needed somewhere, though, lie said I’liblii lestimorn w ill be aired during meetings f ell 1! I and 28 the first of their kind sill! e t'lga t ili/eiis not along one ol the lour proposed routes don't seem to have the same level ot alarm or awareness l.alfel said 1 atfeI said till- ev idem e link ing I Ml s to health nsks is in 1 (inclusive and that high levels ol f Ml s are emitted Iroiii mam bouseliold items elei ti n blan kets. for example lie also said evident e does not seem to unlit ate a maxi mum lev el ol I AII act ivit\ that poses a risk to humans "We don’t know what that is at this time We don't even know d there is a (maximum) level, be cause the ev idence is so incon i lusive "The goal is lor the least im pact but I'm not saving no im p.u t That's a bard one to 1 ail l.iie it no matter what route vou take, it's going to have im pact on someone or some thing." Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? Call the (iarr\ I- lidas Corporation and find out hou sou can sasc hundreds ol dollars garry f. liday President Insurance Broker Investment Broker 4K4-6885 GM, 1140 \N illa^illespit' Ktl. Suite 3 Kujjene THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convaniant Raining Atlordabla SiinShowcr on campus 4MIUMr 4 1 IM> lOllwt »f i