Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1989, Page 14, Image 13

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    Soviet lawyers pushing for environmental laws
Dangerous pesticides come from U.S.
\|r\,linin' I imiislli'iiku
B> Dan Eisler
I meralci Reporter
Thr Law ( rntri hosted .1
Itiiti litiini' disc ussion I hursdav
Willi two of till* Soviet I UHHl '
top i*in imnmrnt.il law vrrs
\lr\andie I'lmoslirnko .iml
Mikh.nl Hum huk on 111*' last
stop of ,i I S If in f <ms\s rrni
ijurstions from l’mvrrsit\ law
students about Son n t ni\ iron
mental legislation ainl environ
mental problems me biding
pest ii ides, rrc \< 1111 v * to\H and
mu Irar nn astr
T11nosbi iiki> is I)irt‘i toi ot tin
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Set tor on l ((ilomt.il I’rtlhlems
of the Inslitutr of State .iml I-.i
in ihr Soviet At ademv of St i
flit i's .inti .1 rcmil.ir .nlvist’i to
tile Supreme Soviet on cm iron
mental in.liters
Hrint link is .1 rese.irt h fellow
.it the Set tor on I t ologit <iI
Problems of tilt1 Institute of
State ,tntl l,uv\ in tin* Soviet
\t atlrlllV III St lent es
l illloslienkti .mil Hi ilit link
llei | let i draft tile I it • v\ ll.lt itlU.I I
environmental l.ius benin t on
sitlereti liv tile Supreme Soviet
The new l.ius will t.onsoli
d.ite some ol the powers ol the
Soviet 1 nion’s new environ
nielli.ll protection .Iirellt V . IS
l.iblishetl .ilrmit .t vent .1140
We want to make it an intlc
pendent institution I imo
sllellkll s.lltl
The new law also would al
I low I'Ve! thr two have been
two months away from conn
tr\ and we're poorly aware of
what's happening in the Su
preme Soviet ' Timoshenko
I he ein ironmental legisl.i
lion should also contain a pro
vision allowing for future revi
sions and expansions. Timo
shenko said, adding that legal
traditions should not he lol
lowed in dealing w it It environ
mental matters
I *111)1 it protest helped save
l ake llavkal. lot aled in Siheria.
Irom nearln industrial develop
ineiit and prevented .1 govern
lllelil projei t to div eit the 1 oiln
tiv's northern rivers to the arid
southern region hordering Iran
and Afghanistan. Timoshenko
I he researr h showed this
would he an ahsolutelv ahsurd
ei ohigu al dis.istei he said
\nothet ei ologii ally d.uigei
Mikhail Krimi link
In tlir Uzbek Soviet Sni i.i 11*^t
Kepuhlit elimination ol a
number ol dangerous pest it ides
used and protested against b\
the 11ubIi< was slowed bet arise
ul this problem. Timosheuku
said II the state i hem it al
*If thf* s/a/e chemical commission weren 7 in
would be much easier to (ban pesticides). '
agriculture it
Alexandre Timoshenko
low i lli/ens to MIC 11 it* stale im
cufori ement ol environmental
laws it the stale tails In do so
Although regulations covei
ilia|ot |imjei Is linain ed h\ the
< enlr.il government, mdustrv is
i urrentK uniegillated tor the
en\ iionmenl.d impai I ol its
projei Is Itriiiii huh said
Timoshenko said legal prnvi
sums were being I lealed to i ol
ret I .1 l.ii h ol safeguards against
environmental damage ini lud
me a puhlu relerendum that
iloes not exist anvwhere else in
the hiii Id I imoshimho said
mis problem m the Soviet
I 'moil Is the use of pestle ides
Hi mu link said
I lie Sill let 1 lllnii uses .iliiillt
till) different pesticides whose
use is refill.iled b\ .1 state
i hemii al i oininissioii ( re.(ted
under the agru ulture mimstn
and headed h\ the agru lllltlie
iliinistei Hi imu link said
The most dangerous pesti
i ides are banned. Hi inn link
said hut the agi ii ulture minis
tr\ prefers to use pestii ides
w It ii h i rentes a problem loi the
i ommission
( ommission weren't in agrii ill
turn il would In- nun li easier to
I biin pest icides).
The pest u ides are maink
nianufm lured m the Soviet
I’nion. hut the most dangerous
ones ( nine from the 1 billed
States and other foreign l oun
tries lirina link said
l ike the I lilted States, the
Soviet I nion lias national u il
derness reserves and wildlife
proter lion, in addition to rer
ogni/iug endailgeied spei les
on various international com
missions Timoshenko said
Xlk'iul !■ .u!'. in/ needs NOW
\n adviser is uaituv’ u> see YOl at
164 ()rcgon Hall.
/ ; 777, \
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