Soviet lawyers pushing for environmental laws Dangerous pesticides come from U.S. \|r\,linin' I imiislli'iiku B> Dan Eisler I meralci Reporter Thr Law ( rntri hosted .1 Itiiti litiini' disc ussion I hursdav Willi two of till* Soviet I UHHl ' top i*in law vrrs \lr\andie I'lmoslirnko .iml Hum huk on 111*' last stop of ,i I S If in f is I)irt‘i toi ot tin EXPRESS YOURSELE AT LAA DEE DAH Specializing in: • Resale of quality designer clothes > Handcrafted "one of a kind" vests (local artist) • Handcrafted jewelry (local artists) 1 Holiday, gala occasion designer clothes 1 Hand-woven wool Turkish rugs (kilims) lor information please call 683*2329 Willamette <‘y II love you for it1 One hour for two $12 00 Open noun rr. jnyht Seven days a week 1063 Gorden Ave. (off Franklin Dlvd.) 345-9040 Set tor on l (( I’rtlhlems of the Inslitutr of State .iml I-.i in ihr Soviet At ademv of St i flit i's .inti .1 .nlvist’i to tile Supreme Soviet on cm iron mental in.liters Hrint link is .1 rese.irt h fellow .it the Set tor on I t ologit see YOl at 164 ()rcgon Hall. / ; 777, \ Special Hours: v X:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.y Review of Progress Report, etc. Color Blind Music Recording Studios Music Publishers Complete Analog A Digital Recording Scviccs • Am . a At.r M,i ait. - ( Sequencing & Notation • ADAI’ & Roland Soil Sampling Systems • Audio / Video / MIDI Information Specialists 342- 2844