Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon State University
College of Liberal Arts
Computer (iuru (expcneiu cd) to'provide eomputet
i xperttsi and opt rational support for < >SI \ ('ollepi
of / iln ral Arts Must has t i;ood < onununtianon and
interpersonal skills to assist fa< alts with a wide ranxp
<>t net ds and le\ els of eomputer expertise Solars
eompetilts t
Piovide technical computer assistance lot proles
SU'D.it .liul UlsIflK !l« Ml.ll .lp|)l K .it IDIlS
Ou’isa1 advise .iiul perform maintenance on
( I \ . omputci equipment
Pl.iii mill.itc and install additions or improve
ments t«» ( I \ computing lav times
KIs nt11s pursue develop new computing research
opportunities with manufacturers .uul develo|vis
( ihkIikI ti.iininj! lot I.nulls uui Mult "ii nctssork
npof.lliun sssinns pme'iain sollss .itc. ss unless .ip
plications, ill
I’rusnlc mnsull.ilu'n on mmpulinp in the il.iss
I >cs clop computet piojjiauis lor I.nulls ,uul .nl
mmisiratisc use
UA US required
I >in«f s t<> lint t i 4itMm OSl I >< |M of |oui imIimii . 117 110*1 V iid rniinK\ In ( mupulrr (.mu. m jii \ (Hfhi < oflf^r of
I iIh i .il \rtv ONI SiHiitl Vhiki Hull 207. ( hi ullh UK T U| #»202 I'hsiImhi 4V4llililt J.imi4i t I 0|* it until 4|>|Mo|>i t4ti
I4iulllbll ullllllflifl lot fllll lilllsldl fillMMI, sill lllllt IIMIIIH lit ■ 1,11 < I I I|4II I Kt MIllK t I *■ I ‘#M*>
t »sl IN 411 VffuiiMlm Ni t mu I «|II4| t »|»|MII tiiiufv I iii|>lo\ t i 411(1 I oinjilus with S«, lion MM of tin hululitulioii \t l of |M’l \|i
• MM it M N 411(1 "ollll II 41 l ( IK oil I ,iyi ll to 4|l|ll» t >M I|4n 4 |M»I|» > of Ih ll»^ I (NJHillMi I (o till IK i (In of (||I4| i 411 I I l OU |>ti N
The Saga Continues
Get a medium (12”)
Pizza for ONLY...
(.Insi ask for ll«t* Special)
Why settle for less...
than the BEST!?!
(Limited delivery area)
1809 Franklin Blvd.
Deady Hall given new lights
Thf t 'nivmsilv Physical
I’l.nti lrida\ installed lights
on ilio south si(U> ot l)end\
II,ill .is till’ lllsl | mi t ol i
thri i- (ili.isr plan to improve
i ampus lighting
riu- lights wi n1 instiilli’il
.uni .11 livalcd on I iid.ty .uni
well' working over 111*; uovk
end s.uil Paul Pelerson ns
sislant diri'i lor of the Physi
i ill PI.ml
Ihc lights m ar l)c.id\ ;m*
the first ol throe places
around i ampus to rot ei\ e
pari ol phase
new lights as
I think its a great mi
provement Peterson sail)
" I hr south siilf ol I'leach
was vci \ dark
The othiM Iivii pails nl
phase one ini.hide lighting
in three residents’ lull areas
and lemporan lixhling near
(lerlingei Annex and the
hnight I .ibrarv The light ing
\\ ill he teinpoi.ii \ hei a use of
planned expansion ol the li
( ontinued Irom P.i^e 1
sin k along the south (‘due of
lllr pond { .lily’ll! everyone's .it
tunlion It was nature's version
of .in optic <i 1 illusion
Azola is primarily green,
but its edges .ire trimmed with
.1 thin line of burgundy."
Twvnam said, hooking a
fingerful of the line leaves out
of the y\ afer
I p i lose, Azola is obviously
green But from a distance it
looks as if a pu nil king c.ouple
spilled their port wine in the
I here’s a /arux.u um '’ one
of the regulars esc l.umc’d after
the group left the pond and
rounded a bend in the path
1 hose w ho might have em i
sinned some kind of prehistoric
Insist instead, saw a flower It
was a T.ir,i\,n um nllicinnlr a
i nminou dandelion
Hut this flow .'i w hie h g.n
denors see as a threat Robin
l.odewic k sees as a treat
l.odewic k also a veteran
walkei said she eats them
( .el the finds before they
open and treat them like laisins
on a salad she said ' 'They re
Walkers learn mure than |ust
w hat s edible /.ane peppered
the walk w ilh bits ot historic.<d
Iris la
leased h.is one of the plants
with a sloiy that they found
I easel produi es large pine
cone like heads on the end of
csic h branc h W hen in bloom a
pinkish purple’ fuzz covers the
lie,ids After this blows off
rows of finely honked "brai Is
small, prii klv protrusions
are left.
It was brought out West In
the pioneers," Zane said
"They used teasel heads to
raise the nap on cloth
"After their wool was wo
veil. the\ would brush it like
this to raise the nap." she said
her right hand whipping hac k
and forth in a fist over her left
Not only did the settlers
make good use of teasel, but
bouncing bet uas important to
them. Zane said.
"They used bourn ing bet |
Sn/iomui.i nttii i Hill is) as a soap
lost batter it up .1 hit and wash
w ith it" she said
The bourn mg bet the group
found near the Willamette
sported pink four petaled flow
els for the first five weeks of
this term. Twynani said
All together the group idellti
tied I'1 blooming flowers and
handfuls of other plants during
the hour long journey And the
walk 1 onfirmed then belief na
tore definitely does not shut
down alter ( )c lobei
()n Thursday, the last plant
w .ilk of the y e.H will be field
They will begin again in the
spimg. the first Thursday of
March. Those interested in
I hursday \s yy a Ik should call
tittti Hitt foi the meeting time
and pl.H e
Boxes & Packaging Supplies
Computers • Stereos • TV's
1 to 1000 pounds • Insurance available
440 Charnelton (back of building) • parking available
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