COMPUTER GURU Oregon State University College of Liberal Arts Computer (iuru (expcneiu cd) to'provide eomputet i xperttsi and opt rational support for < >SI \ ('ollepi of / iln ral Arts Must has t i;ood < onununtianon and interpersonal skills to assist fa< alts with a wide ranxp <>t net ds and le\ els of eomputer expertise Solars eompetilts t Piovide technical computer assistance lot proles SU' .liul UlsIflK !l« Ml.ll .lp|)l K .it IDIlS Ou’isa1 advise .iiul perform maintenance on ( I \ . omputci equipment Pl.iii mill.itc and install additions or improve ments t«» ( I \ computing lav times KIs nt11s pursue develop new computing research opportunities with manufacturers .uul develo|vis ( ihkIikI ti.iininj! lot I.nulls uui Mult "ii nctssork npof.lliun sssinns pme'iain sollss .itc. ss unless .ip plications, ill I’rusnlc mnsull.ilu'n on mmpulinp in the il.iss flHIIII I >cs clop computet piojjiauis lor I.nulls ,uul .nl mmisiratisc use UA US required I >in«f s t<> lint t i 4itMm OSl I >< |M of |oui imIimii . 117 110*1 V iid rniinK\ In ( mupulrr (.mu. m jii \ (Hfhi < oflf^r of I iIh i .il \rtv ONI SiHiitl Vhiki Hull 207. ( hi ullh UK T U| #»202 I'hsiImhi 4V4llililt J.imi4i t I 0|* it until 4|>|Mo|>i t4ti I4iulllbll ullllllflifl lot fllll lilllsldl fillMMI, sill lllllt IIMIIIH lit ■ 1,11 < I I I|4II I Kt MIllK t I *■ I ‘#M*> t »sl IN 411 VffuiiMlm Ni t mu I «|II4| t »|»|MII tiiiufv I iii|>lo\ t i 411(1 I oinjilus with S«, lion MM of tin hululitulioii \t l of |M’l \|i • MM it M N 411(1 "ollll II 41 l ( IK oil I ,iyi ll to 4|l|ll» t >M I|4n 4 |M»I|» > of Ih ll»^ I (NJHillMi I (o till IK i (In of (||I4| i 411 I I l OU |>ti N j&(W'J/fHUfitj / v* The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (.Insi ask for ll«t* Special) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. University Deady Hall given new lights Thf t 'nivmsilv Physical I’l.nti lrida\ installed lights on ilio south si(U> ot l)end\ II,ill .is till’ lllsl | mi t ol i thri i- (ili.isr plan to improve i ampus lighting riu- lights wi n1 instiilli’il .uni .11 livalcd on I iid.ty .uni well' working over 111*; uovk end s.uil Paul Pelerson ns sislant diri'i lor of the Physi i ill Ihc lights m ar l)\ ;m* the first ol throe places around i ampus to rot ei\ e pari ol phase new lights as OlH’ I think its a great mi provement Peterson sail) " I hr south siilf ol I'leach was vci \ dark The othiM Iivii pails nl phase one ini.hide lighting in three residents’ lull areas and lemporan lixhling near (lerlingei Annex and the hnight I .ibrarv The light ing \\ ill he teinpoi.ii \ hei a use of planned expansion ol the li bran ( ontinued Irom P.i^e 1 sin k along the south (‘due of lllr pond { .lily’ll! everyone's .it tunlion It was nature's version of .in optic