Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, Page 12, Image 12

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    Bags CHI PANTS! P
Backpacks Earrings Gre
Cards Shirts Dresses Hats Pants Fa
Packs CMfltlren’s Books Taptf; Posters
Hav^ _
various Amer
Bowlsyllindu & Buddhist Statua
I ights* VraiiiK Plates Bow ls A C
kian Dcsiens Scari^i
Scarvi^ireeting Cards <fc Wrappinc/Pajvr Cotton Sweat Pants lops A Turtle-Necks CHIPANIS!
Nalural^^iders Polished Rocks Ayrffes and Semi precious Stones Hats Magnets Night Lights Air Plants
House PlUljklf watering I'Uurfrs Vases WtKxlcn Bowls Rise Howls Swiss Army Knives Maglitc Plash
lights C"HI nl^^^d^Rtulilhas .Singing Howls Tingshas Dorjcs Cianesh (laiuda Incense Holders
Guatemalan l ay Cloth Animals WoodCarvings Household Si issues Children's Animal Scissors CoinPurees Wallets CHI
PAVIN' Chifs'slicks Cheese Craters Pi//a Pans t*l/./a Nunes Rental Vidros Irom Joseph Campbell Kam Dais Nievcn
tevine Stan Grot l*ir Vilas ai Khan J. rfsn tally l ull Spectrum Incandescent Hulhs A 1 loods ( andle Bumpkins Cotton lhapers
ami Mire and \1orr and More and More ariJ More and More and More ami More and More
Clothing - Books • Tapes - Chi Pants - House Plants - Jewelry - Housewares
just around the corner at 2470 Alder St.
Open 10am - 6pm, Tues - Sun.
Please park in our lot behind the Mercantile Store
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Join me for dinner
& dancing?
Season not so merry
for ski enthusiasts
! 'nseasnnublv warm yveather
has ( rosscd u|■ llii* Inc raine ()r
cumi vki industry so far this
mmsiim. forcing normally busy
resorts to remain ( losed lor lac k
of snou ,md hurling retail sales
of \vinter athlelii ei|Ui|>ment
ski areas around the state
uere ( losed Tuesday incltul
mg Hoodoo Ski Howl Mt
Mood Meadows and limber
line Ml Hai helm Ski and
Summer Resort was operating
I unsduv. tint with only a I l
iIK h snow base and no new
1 veil tin Anthony l akes ski
■ ilea near Baker .it H,200-foot
ele\ at ion was ( losed A l ues
day telephone message ski re
port said the ansi had a in im h
base but "the future week
doesn't look good for new
snmy Anthony Lakes has
moved its opening date to
liven though Mt Bachelor
lias managed to slay open sini e
\m 2T>. marginal skiing condi
lions and a red lit ed si liedule of
hits and open trails has result
ed in a sharp cutbac k in skiers
Imiberlme Ski Arr.i oil
Mount ! load opened \ov die
but ( loved down lit 11 <i - in
Mninl.w 'We i losed basil ullv
dun to .1 !.ii k ol liusiness |oii
111 Ills guest servir os coordina
tor lor I imlxitline. said Tuns
d.n I'll Mis said I imberline li.id
done solin' "i real i\ f snow
larming’’ to produce marginal
ski conditions lint rainfall
Molidai put tlir .in'.i bidow .in
,n i t'ptiilili' snow level
III 11 is. s.ud I iinberline nor
m.ilh sold about 400 tii kets on
,i w iM'kd.iv and 1. "iOU In 1.8(1(1
In krts on weekend days at this
time ol year
llie Skibowl Ski and Sum
mer Resort at a t .00(1 to-ti.Oliti
loot elevation on Mount Hood
lias been open onlv two (lavs so
far tins season, tins past Satin
da\ and a ball day Sunil.i\
We nave our customers rain
i bei ks Sundav rather than have
them go iiiv.ii disgruntled
said l.d Martini'/.. SkibowTs
marketing manager
Tbe I,u k ol snow has hurt re
tailors too
Group appeals forest plans
I’OKTI.ANI) (Al*| A n;i
lion.il environmental group is
appealing pi.ms lor ft mi North
west national hursts on
grounds th.it 111 (* \ I.ill to to drs
ign.ilr rivrrs rligihlr for protn
lion iitulrr the (Irrgon U ild
and Si unit Ki\ rrs Ac I
Amrrii.in Rivrrs liu based
in Washington. I) ( ,ind its
Kugene affiliate the Oregon
Rivers (aiuiu.il. appealed the
plans tor the Siskiyou I irinont
and ( 'olv ilie national torests
.mil is preparing to appeal the
t )i hoi o National 1 oiest plan
\\ e ll appeal evert plan that
ionics out that has not done
adequate tv ild .mil si enii river
eligilulitv studies said lloh
Doppelt. e\ei utive director of
the ()regon Kit rrs ( ouiu il In
all he said hrtts cell J '> and 111
eligible lice (lotting liters
were left out of dratt and final
plans for managing the region s
national forests over the next
It) t ears
I he group asked l’ S f orest
Sert ir e (iliiel I I fair Robertson
to order ret isinns of final forest
management plans for the for
Iii iiH () it if in ilic (.mint il is
( hallenging tlit* I athcr Oak
plan In log old growlh timber
along Klk Hurr in the Siskiyou
National Purest The Klk is a
f«■«11■ ra11 \ designated ri*c reation
river under the landmark 1‘tHH
\\ ild and St enu Kivers At I
Tile I dither I )ak limber sale
about 4 miles east of Port Or
Inn! i onlains n Y_’ million
board feel nl Douglas fir. hem
lot k and Port ()rford t etlai II is
one of the sales that was re
leased from a federal injillH lion
as a result of the Northwest
timber ( ompromise
Although only a small j>«irt of
the sale is within file quartei
mile t orridor along the Klk Kiv
el Doppelt said the soils above
the rivei are unstable and t lear
t ul logging t ould degrade the
Klk a 11\ el I lopped saitl repre
scuts "the most important wild
anadromous fishery on the
southern Oregon ( oast and
probably on the Oregon Toast
Although it is let hint idly al
lowed by the law. "there has
never been a t lean lit III a w ild
and scenic liver corridor that
we know of." Doppelt said
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