Bags CHI PANTS! P Backpacks Earrings Gre Cards Shirts Dresses Hats Pants Fa Packs CMfltlren’s Books Taptf; Posters Hav^ _ otton various Amer Bowlsyllindu & Buddhist Statua I ights* VraiiiK Plates Bow ls A C kian Dcsiens Scari^i finning light Tdants Scarvi^ireeting Cards ment ski areas around the state uere ( losed Tuesday incltul mg Hoodoo Ski Howl Mt Mood Meadows and limber line Ml Hai helm Ski and Summer Resort was operating I unsduv. tint with only a I l iIK h snow base and no new snow 1 veil tin Anthony l akes ski ■ ilea near Baker .it H,200-foot ele\ at ion was ( losed A l ues day telephone message ski re port said the ansi had a in im h base but "the future week doesn't look good for new snmy Anthony Lakes has moved its opening date to Thursday liven though Mt Bachelor lias managed to slay open sini e \m 2T>. marginal skiing condi lions and a red lit ed si liedule of hits and open trails has result ed in a sharp cutbac k in skiers Imiberlme Ski Arr.i oil Mount ! load opened \ov die but ( loved down lit 11 and 111 eligible lice (lotting liters were left out of dratt and final plans for managing the region s national forests over the next It) t ears I he group asked l’ S f orest Sert ir e (iliiel I I fair Robertson to order ret isinns of final forest management plans for the for rxts Iii iiH () it if in ilic (.mint il is ( hallenging tlit* I athcr Oak plan In log old growlh timber along Klk Hurr in the Siskiyou National Purest The Klk is a f«■«11■ ra11 \ designated ri*c reation river under the landmark 1‘tHH \\ ild and St enu Kivers At I Tile I dither I )ak limber sale about 4 miles east of Port Or Inn! i onlains n Y_’ million board feel nl Douglas fir. hem lot k and Port ()rford t etlai II is one of the sales that was re leased from a federal injillH lion as a result of the Northwest timber ( ompromise Although only a small j>«irt of the sale is within file quartei mile t orridor along the Klk Kiv el Doppelt said the soils above the rivei are unstable and t lear t ul logging t ould degrade the Klk a 11\ el I lopped saitl repre scuts "the most important wild anadromous fishery on the southern Oregon ( oast and probably on the Oregon Toast Although it is let hint idly al lowed by the law. "there has never been a t lean lit III a w ild and scenic liver corridor that we know of." Doppelt said Get a 14” 1 ITEM Plus one 16-oz. PEPSI NAME_ ADDRESS 687 8600 • 1432 Orchard One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires 12 6 89