Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1989, Image 1

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    —.Oregon Dili I}' _
1 llt’sd.iv I > ! MH'l
Kii^cnc (Jri’^on
\ olumi’ ‘I I - Number (•/
■ KSO < lothes drive, Pane 4
■ i:\1l! Craft Fair, Pane 4
■ Drunk drivers net .1 lift. Pane r>
■ Women's basketball. Pane a
I'lliilii In M.ll L \ It'll
l.ti k \ .UHlrrlip. tlim tor of thr ( Wit r nt \ftrrin.in Seri it e% ,nul \nim.il ( .irr. shim s somr nl thr SJ.~itl.tHM
worth ot nrw .in into I t .irr t'tjiufunrnt tlurini; .1 tour ot thr oflit r\ nrtt t.u ilit\ in ‘>trrisini;ri II.ill
Animals receive
new care facility
By Stephanie f folland
I meruld Reporter
While moving i ages animal fond and othei *m|ut}»
m«*nl into Stteismger II.ill the Office of Veterinary
Services and Animal (.'are is busy giving tours of tlit*
new lac ililies
It s mainly fm me fo sav III. and to show (lie
new tac 1111\ and talk .ihoul fhe progiam said |.u k
Vaitderlip. direi Im of the otllc e
Vanderhp arrived at tin* l 'Diversity ill September
from the Pniveisitv «>f ( ahforma at San Oiego. when*
he w as diret tor of veterinary serv ins
Although some supplies equipment and a giuup
of rahhits weie nuivnl in by I ridav I lie lab will not be
billy occupied tor two or three more months
Vanderhp said
Me said the fat dities hold V’ »t) (MM) worth of new
animal c are equipment ( )t the » AIM) square tret of lab
oratory space. Ml percent is devoted In annual care
Moo than ‘Ml pert ent ot the lac ilitv 's mamm.ds are ro
I be fat ilit\ holds storage rooms, a diaguostu lab
a phaimat y an animal » litic ai t are unit and an opera!
ing room \\ 1111 tine table Vanderhp said the dot tots
perlorm a small amount of surgery
The doctors .ire able to manipulate the environ
men! in the rooms, allowing them to control the
rooms temperatures, said Monte* Matthews, facilities
manager for the veterinary serv ic es offit e
A t omputei us the mam office monitors the rooms
and enters alarm stage if the temperatures vary from
their predetermined settings
Through a reverse osmosis system the animals re
• rive* purified w.itei beftei than the watei we drink
lorn to Animals, Page
Rally honors forests
By l).in l isler
f meruit) Reporter
I hr Survival ( 1'iilri sptiiimiii‘d .1 rally Monday hi the
I AH i nuri v .n d In i clclir.ilt- A iin-I ii u s natiy e tmesis
I hi' celebration yyas lii'ld In uisi' the issui' their .ti<• na
llVf hursts li'll said Survival (enter to director M il! Sni
1I1T 11 i.i I ill 11 si'll is worth i i’Ii'Ih al ing
Native fun-si ini'.ins anything dial hasn't Firm I«»nu<• <i in
llii' I lull'd Staffs Snider Inld the audieni e of almtil ill urg
mg them In u rile (inngress as a way of protecting ihe remain
ing three pen en!
It s really urgent we speak up In lei the Inresl lie heard
I mill in ( ongi ess ami al the stale legisl.it lire- said I it i vei e
Student Jonah Hookstrin
Some people ask "Whv Imther lighting Im it " .ml
speakei l ull flerniai h ever iltive director ot the Native Fores!
( louut.il What a < moment
Some people think the profits are all th.it matter
llerniach said adding tfi.it die putilir needs pnlitii i.ms who
represent Oregon s will and riot timber industry represent.!
"Ihe | Sen Mark i llatl ielrl so t al led < umpp anise didn’t
save one jnh I'lie marginal mills still won't get tinihei
while timber firms continue to export logs llermai h said
I lei mat 11 referred to federal legislation passed ill ()i toiler
allowing the Forest Servile to prodme 7 hilliou hoard leet
ot limhei in Oregon and Washington add the I S Itureau ot
I .and Management In prut hits' 1 It hi II inn board feel in Oregon
in the next year
The legislation restored some judicial review of timlrer
sales, ordered the I ores! Serve e to rei onsider its manage
merit plans lor the spotted' owl in the next year and imple
merited a polity of preserving environment.dh significant
stands of old growth
"Fveryhodv's going to lose in this compromise ext ept
the limhei barons and the politicians whose pot kets are lined
yy ith i .impaign < ontributinns I Ins is the last stand tor the ar.
i lent forests said Karen Wood a member of Furth First I
llerniach ( ensured yyliat he called the Ivyo-fat.etlness of
politicians in at ijuiring support from both sides in the timlrer
Turn to forests, Page 4
Awareness brings new activism
leads conc erns
B\ sh.mn (.rassm.in
t mernld ( nntrihutnr
In i .isf viiu u'iti' wondering
student .11 livism is h.ii k
\fter taking .111 extended va
cation in the liili- turns .md
most id tin* lilts student <11 tiv
ism Inis returned In the I Hiver
sit\ .md is mu i- again making .1
siglthii ant inijMi l mi i tiiIt
i .1 mpiisi's around the countrv
I m i i-.is i ngl v appari-ill I'nvi
rnnmental and sin ial t nm erns
and till' natinnali/alinn nl nidi
\ idual causes are i nmhining to
Ip ii i I (I a II e w I n ii n d p ii Ii I 11
awareness said Andrew
\\idlers direr Inr of the I am et
sitv's Rainlnrest .V linn ( Irnup.
"I think that the \ annus ei n
logit al and sm nil prntilems t.u
mg our sm iet\ an- simply lie
i (lining mure and mure uhv i
mis. \\ niters said Ills group s
office is Ini ated in the I AII
Survival ('enter the universi
tv s umbrella group nl environ
mental a< ti\ ism
"I'he e\ei yday , prai til al e\
amples nl these problem's sin h
as the 11ii teasing nsagnitude nt
( lear cut hind people see from
the road, are beginning to fort e
people to open up then eves
lint tile nationalization has now
become the kev because we
just weren't getting It done In
Turn to \< tivism, Page f>
I ill* |ihotn
(U toiler's protest iluriin; the l niversitx st ient.e i omplex
tleilit ,ilion marked the awakening "I at.lixism on i ampus
I hi s year’s protests parallel a 11.1liun.il imreast* in //ir 1 niiiny
nl stuilrnl 1 tint rrns