—.Oregon Dili I}' _ Emerald 1 llt’sd.iv I > ! MH'l Kii^cnc (Jri’^on \ olumi’ ‘I I - Number (•/ _Inside_ ■ KSO < lothes drive, Pane 4 ■ i:\1l! Craft Fair, Pane 4 ■ Drunk drivers net .1 lift. Pane r> ■ Women's basketball. Pane a r I'lliilii In M.ll L \ It'll l.ti k \ .UHlrrlip. tlim tor of thr ( Wit r nt \ftrrin.in Seri it e% ,nul \nim.il ( .irr. shim s somr nl thr SJ.~itl.tHM worth ot nrw .in into I t .irr t'tjiufunrnt tlurini; .1 tour ot thr oflit r\ nrtt t.u ilit\ in ‘>trrisini;ri II.ill Animals receive new care facility By Stephanie f folland I meruld Reporter While moving i ages animal fond and othei *m|ut}» m«*nl into Stteismger II.ill the Office of Veterinary Services and Animal (.'are is busy giving tours of tlit* new lac ililies It s mainly fm me fo sav III. and to show (lie new tac 1111\ and talk .ihoul fhe progiam said |.u k Vaitderlip. direi Im of the otllc e Vanderhp arrived at tin* l 'Diversity ill September from the Pniveisitv «>f ( ahforma at San Oiego. when* he w as diret tor of veterinary serv ins Although some supplies equipment and a giuup of rahhits weie nuivnl in by I ridav I lie lab will not be billy occupied tor two or three more months Vanderhp said Me said the fat dities hold V’ »t) (MM) worth of new animal c are equipment ( )t the » AIM) square tret of lab oratory space. Ml percent is devoted In annual care Moo than ‘Ml pert ent ot the lac ilitv 's mamm.ds are ro dents I be fat ilit\ holds storage rooms, a diaguostu lab a phaimat y an animal » litic ai t are unit and an opera! ing room \\ 1111 tine table Vanderhp said the dot tots perlorm a small amount of surgery The doctors .ire able to manipulate the environ men! in the rooms, allowing them to control the rooms temperatures, said Monte* Matthews, facilities manager for the veterinary serv ic es offit e A t omputei us the mam office monitors the rooms and enters alarm stage if the temperatures vary from their predetermined settings Through a reverse osmosis system the animals re • rive* purified w.itei beftei than the watei we drink lorn to Animals, Page Rally honors forests By l).in l isler f meruit) Reporter I hr Survival ( 1'iilri sptiiimiii‘d .1 rally Monday hi the I AH i nuri v .n d In i clclir.ilt- A iin-I ii u s natiy e tmesis I hi' celebration yyas lii'ld In uisi' the issui' their .ti<• na llVf hursts li'll said Survival (enter to director M il! Sni 1I1T 11 i.i I ill 11 si'll is worth i i’Ii'Ih al ing Native fun-si ini'.ins anything dial hasn't Firm I«»nu<• I ill* |ihotn (U toiler's protest iluriin; the l niversitx st ient.e i omplex tleilit ,ilion marked the awakening "I at.lixism on i ampus I hi s year’s protests parallel a 11.1liun.il imreast* in //ir 1 niiiny nl stuilrnl 1 tint rrns