Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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C onlinucd from P.ii;r 7
two chances In tin Iml Sun
I)evil forw.ir<I M.irk Be< km
missed ,i iav up and Brandon re
Bounded the miss will] Of) left
Brandon was fouled oil the
rebound and again alter the
iliBnunds pla\ Bill missed the
front end ot the one and one
with four seconds remaining lo
give the Sun Devils one more
i ll.iik e But Bei ker s three
point attempt came after time
expired sealing tile I till k will
The vii ton ( ompleted a Mai
( ourt sweep ol tin' Arizona
schools the lust such sweep
sun e 1*18” Oregon State also
Beat Arizona Saturdav to com
plete .1 tour game sweep ot the
Arizona schools hv the Oregon
s< hoots
I he w ms mer the Wildi als
and Sun Devils also gave Ore
gon its lust 2 n start in I’m IP
pla\ since (lie 1*181 112 season
a season w hen thev also swept
the Ai izon.i si liools tor a 2 II
the two Austins (Alex and
Brother Ixam I * umhined tin At
izona State's lust seven points
as the Sun Devils jumped out to
an earlv 7 2 lead But Oregon
guard Kevin Mixon si ored se\
ell straight for Oregon to give
the I )m k-- then first lead at
Id *1 w itli 1 I .17 remaining
Arizona State took a three
point lead at 20 2.1 on \mlei
son’s lav in w ith 2 (Mi remain
mg in the halt But Brandon hit
a Basket to draw Oregon to
within one at 2t> 27 That
would prove to Be the Sun Dev
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Classes start January 2
ils Iasi load
Itrandnu hit two froo throws
ami ( ontor Kn hard Lucas
scored insido to give Oregon a
2‘l 20 halftime ad\outage
Isaac Austin scored eight ol
his 12 points m the tirst eight
minutos ol the second half as
the Sun Devils struggled to
within one at 4 1 40 with 1-' 24
remaining in the name Mixon
and senior forward Keith Kevn
olds each responded In scoring
four points to lead the Dinks
on ,i 12 4 run for their biggest
margin of the game
I rtodor who loll Mil lug.in
lust before last year s N't AA
I ournament to take the |oh at
Arizona Slate said the Sun
Devils played the kind of game
it had to lor a chain e to w in
We placed the tvpe of game
that wo had to play." I rieder
said We e\ei uted olleiisivelv
and defensively and we re
hounded about as well as this
team is going to.
We look 1 "> seconds off the
(link m or\ time (low u the tlooi
to shorten the game a little." he
said "Wo got good shots he
i ause we w ere patient 1 111
proud of the wa\ we played to
night We placed well when we
were behind and didn't quit
Mixon and I .in as i hipped in
II points each lor the Ducks
while Reynolds added It) l or
ward I i n Dunn si ored all eight
ol Ins points in the second halt
Alex Austin led the Sun Devils
w it h 21) points follow oil b\
Isaac Austin w ith 12.
Iliii k notes: For the set mid
sti.light game freshman Huh
l ife turned ill a solid perfor
mam e I lie w ho has hei nine a
crowd favorite at Mi Arthui
t'ourl. scored two points
giahhed two lehounds had two
assists and bloc ked a shot ill
nine minutes of play log time
The 1 lie ks travel to thrilling
ham Ala to meet the Mahama
Hirmingliam Hla/ers on l ues
day ( begun hosts I tab Thurs
das and I’ortland on Saturday
tligh Quality
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