/ V ' ' / ' / / •• 1 r \ Want a great looking flyer for an upcoming event? i 686-4381 Letter Perfect Graphics can help! Devils _Sports_ C onlinucd from P.ii;r 7 two chances In tin Iml Sun I)evil forw.ir 27 That would prove to Be the Sun Dev IF A CLASS YOU NEED IS FELL, TRY LS. Lane Community College offers many freshman and sophomore level classes that meet University of Oregon requirements. For a complete listing, see the class schedule. A schedule is mailed to every local address prior to each term. If you have questions, call the Lane Community College Counseling and Advising Center at 726-2204. Classes start January 2 ils Iasi load Itrandnu hit two froo throws ami ( ontor Kn hard Lucas scored insido to give Oregon a 2‘l 20 halftime ad\outage Isaac Austin scored eight ol his 12 points m the tirst eight minutos ol the second half as the Sun Devils struggled to within one at 4 1 40 with 1-' 24 remaining in the name Mixon and senior forward Keith Kevn olds each responded In scoring four points to lead the Dinks on ,i 12 4 run for their biggest margin of the game I rtodor who loll Mil lug.in lust before last year s N't AA I ournament to take the |oh at Arizona Slate said the Sun Devils played the kind of game it had to lor a chain e to w in We placed the tvpe of game that wo had to play." I rieder said We e\ei uted olleiisivelv and defensively and we re hounded about as well as this team is going to. We look 1 "> seconds off the (link m or\ time (low u the tlooi to shorten the game a little." he said "Wo got good shots he i ause we w ere patient 1 111 proud of the wa\ we played to night We placed well when we were behind and didn't quit Mixon and I .in as i hipped in II points each lor the Ducks while Reynolds added It) l or ward I i n Dunn si ored all eight ol Ins points in the second halt Alex Austin led the Sun Devils w it h 21) points follow oil b\ Isaac Austin w ith 12. Iliii k notes: For the set mid sti.light game freshman Huh l ife turned ill a solid perfor mam e I lie w ho has hei nine a crowd favorite at Mi Arthui t'ourl. scored two points giahhed two lehounds had two assists and bloc ked a shot ill nine minutes of play log time The 1 lie ks travel to thrilling ham Ala to meet the Mahama Hirmingliam Hla/ers on l ues day ( begun hosts I tab Thurs das and I’ortland on Saturday tligh Quality COPIES 4* CHECK OUT OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON OTHER SERVICES' THE copy SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 Uride SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Hull' Shari- brings together people needing and offering rides anywhere in Oregon or throughout the country For more information call 345 7600