Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Dube explains ANC goals, policies
Says group will negotiate
By Jolie Andrade
Emerald Reporter
I rcil Dube maintains the At
rican National Congress policv
ol non-violent.e in South Afrii a
It.isn't i hanged nor has its
willingness to negotiate for an
end to apartheid even
though members have taken up
Fred Dube, a member of the
AN!(! sim e I<15 t and a professor
at Fvergreen State College in
Olvmpia, Wash was asked to
speak to t'niversilv students
bet arise ol his diret.l involve
ment in South Africa. said |ohn
Lunsford, a member of Stu
dents Against Apartheid
Dube was jailed iit ltifiit be
cause he was a leader in the
ANC He was released in !<lti7
and fort ed to flee from South
Afrit.a to the I'nited kingdom
I le is still involved w ith the
A N't i and gi\es speet lies
against apartheid nationwide
Dube began his speet h with a
tlescription of the ANC and its
polit ies and goals
The ANC was established at
ter the British divided South
Africa into two groups, shifting
the responsibilitv ol coloni/.a
tion from the British to the
South Afrit uns in power
This "divide and rule slrat
**V1 \ pitted t‘.K it group against
the other, while lirit.iin contin
ued its manipulation. Dube
Three Zulu law vers formed
the African National (Congress
to help unify the group of op
pressed people. Dube said
The non violent "fistal re
sistance" policy of the \\(
continued throughout the
totals until the Pass Law be
t iime effet live. Dube said
The law. established in tout)
bv the government, made it
mandatory lor all South Aim an
hint ks to i any a pass at .ill
More than at).0(M) women re
sponded to this law by protest
ing for an extensive period
Jails quit klv bet a me full, t real
ing a squeeze on the govern
ments tat In s and fori mg them
to dissolve the layy I )ube said
(lliier peat etui movements
by the ,\\( ' and otliei groups
were met yyith brutal killings
and murders leaving the ANT
with nt> choic e Imt to arm
themselves. I lube said
"We are not prepared to put
ourselves in a situation like ibis
without an army. Dube said
"Hut the fail that yve have an
army doesn't mean that yve
don't want to sit down anil
talk ”
The t ongress is ready to ne
Fred Dube
gutiate on rertain rnndilions
I)ube s.ml
'We .in' preparcil In c .ill .1
hold on \ ioleni i' it (liev (Ihc
South African government)
show good faith and lit! the
stale of emergent \ on South
Alin.1 t.ikr all soldiers out ot
the him k ghettos release all
politii.il prisoners and stop the
exet ill ion of prisoners ' Dube
The A N't; is prepared to gum
antee individual rights hut
will not 1 omprotnise on group
representation and group
rights Dube said
About 1011 students attended
the speer h sponsored bv St 11
dents Against Apartheid and
the I Hat k Student 1 nion
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