__University_ Dube explains ANC goals, policies Says group will negotiate By Jolie Andrade Emerald Reporter I rcil Dube maintains the At rican National Congress policv ol non-violent.e in South Afrii a It.isn't i hanged nor has its willingness to negotiate for an end to apartheid even though members have taken up arms Fred Dube, a member of the AN!(! sim e I<15 t and a professor at Fvergreen State College in Olvmpia, Wash was asked to speak to t'niversilv students bet arise ol his diret.l involve ment in South Africa. said |ohn Lunsford, a member of Stu dents Against Apartheid Dube was jailed iit ltifiit be cause he was a leader in the ANC He was released in ! choic e Imt to arm themselves. I lube said "We are not prepared to put ourselves in a situation like ibis without an army. Dube said "Hut the fail that yve have an army doesn't mean that yve don't want to sit down anil talk ” The t ongress is ready to ne Fred Dube gutiate on rertain rnndilions I)ube s.ml 'We .in' preparcil In c .ill .1 hold on \ ioleni i' it (liev (Ihc South African government) show good faith and lit! the stale of emergent \ on South Alin.1 t.ikr all soldiers out ot the him k ghettos release all politii.il prisoners and stop the exet ill ion of prisoners ' Dube said The A N't; is prepared to gum antee individual rights hut will not 1 omprotnise on group representation and group rights Dube said About 1011 students attended the speer h sponsored bv St 11 dents Against Apartheid and the I Hat k Student 1 nion ViOU. -f-'tis'-'AY'MK+t' Wednesday & Thursday, December 6 & 7 10:00 am * 5:30 pm EMU Fir Room SpoBJorc* k« tter EMU Crall CtaUr aad CuMval Korua lor Barr taformttoa call M4-4MI Enjoy Live Musk Drihk Free Hot Cider Buy Fantastic Gifts __ Oregon Duilv _ _ Emerald PO H.n M '*» h(m IhrtiHi'i'Wl Th*. Oic.jj ' D«**ly F mer,dd in published Monday through Friday i*»ndep«?nd©ntly of the University with otficos ' the th.nl floor f the f rtj Memona* Union i vt t* a member of the A-.-,. alcd Prfl*o. The Emerald • * private properly The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros «•. utable by 'aw Editor T h. him % Pr . we* Managing Editor A «• Wh»H*io' New* Editor Chi'il->phei D'an Editorial Editor 0 •• Peters Sport* Editor T r i> y Sum'"" Graphic* Editor Mart YWm Supplement* Editor Dtr'a Ja<>sun Encore Editor K. . W«•«• Night Editor Thomas Pn>a. A**ociale Editor* Community H Wi » . • Student Government/Activitie* R t H ’ Hiqher t ducation/Administration >R .. . p Feature* - -M Reporter* • An Parle Po iMiptir Pete* > A ••, ► (’.r f i (er C. atherif'e Hawley Stephanie Holland Jams Joseph. I ayne i aKefish < am Stvrsmd Ain Thornton Photographer* Steve* Kate J Advertising *,< » . Her »de F • :',.Mi Sr. Ma»j**- i • i»nl Ha v -tt M A. , Amy MittelMe Jt Me ■ , N.- •. . i . • P,et« . vmj . Pear «• C nse Sharon Knab Stother ElA.iitl Wr-mrii Production • A' ?>.•• Katm»n Hr1 n T v<- IS '-.J J* I 1 rk Ah , t non Lotus Child Ca*1 >1 Dopp Jim Fmi h Yvette G»H Jennifer Huey Linda Ktaa'.tad t •• --a ■ . »»?•••. i ',■■■ Mas We ly M •••>-. An,)»«•.» Mw ( arrmin Pan sewn Anna Rem ben k. Janet Sc hotter T«d Sheplor Jenn.ior Smith Scott Smith I .litHr* stark Jennifer Th. n.»s Jen ' »e> V i O In.jml While Kelly Wil '■am* General Staff Adverti*ing Director .-..intr. A**i*tant to the Publisher • i , Production Manager M. m-ie M Advertising Coordinator * !•.» i <-■ Classified Manager 1 m H a -m Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 686 5511 Ciassltied Advertising 686 4343 Display Advertising 686 3712 Production Graphic Services 686 438! Oregon West - FITNESS - THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Hang him, you idiots! Hang him! String him up' is a figure of speech!” \4' I Lfi£Gn\\ THE GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT for every member ol your OR! GOIN family. I he latest, greatest, original designs—not available anywhere else. Give a gift that will be appreciated and used!! "J£07 Pre-Christmas SALE 20% OFF on all non-custom OREGON & DUCK Designs we* aibu Ldiry u ui w iiiuys, siiui yiasscs, uui iuiis, pc/#/iai/u, stationery, decals, hats. T's. tanks, embroidery...the selec tion is incredible! CAMPUS 344-3439 dL ONNECTION (next to the Dairy Queen) uTa