Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1989, Page 16, Image 15

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Panel censures Dallas judge for remarks about victims
B\ Mu h.iel Holmes
Asso< iated Press
Al'STIN lex.is (AP) A
si.lie (mill l.ll panel mi I Uesd.lN
i ensured .1 I lull.is jud^e u hn
s.iul lie nave a linhler sentence
In a killer liei ause the vit Inns
nn ere "queers
l lie Stale ( (immissiun un In
(III nil I nililllC I issued I lie 1 ell
sure order for Ilislriil Jud^e
|ai k Hampton whose remarks
In reporters 111 lleiemliei innit
ed .1 ve.11 lonn storm ol 1 1 il 1
1 ism
I lie i ommissiim finds tI1.1t
ludne Hampton s i.nnunenls
pel si were ileslrm live ol puli
In i unlideni e ill tin- intenritN
and impart l.ll its ol the 111 d 11 1.1
i\ the i omtnission s order
I’lllillt I ensure IS I lie slmun
esl .11 I mil tile 1 ommission
1 mild take short ol rei ummend
inn w Near old Kepulilii ail's
removal Irotti the hem h Kolierl
I low IT s llir pailtl s I’M'I IIIl\<
diri-i tin ri'.id .1 1 nmmissinn re
|><irt drsi riliinn pulilii ii'iisurr
as tantamount in ilrnuni m
(..i\ .11 1i\ ists appl.iihIitI ihf
pulilii 1 fnsurr \\ illiam
Wuvhourn pri’suliTil ot ihr
I lallas (,,i\ Aliihni i- 1 alli-d lur
I lampion In ist»*p flow n
1 l>«*li«>\ c that il s ( i-rtamk .1
step m the ri^lil diriT linn Mill
Inline llaniplnn rrmams on tin
In-in li Whal is In happi-n now
In na\ mi-n .mil It-slnans who
i nine min Ins f nurtroom7'
\\ a\ linurn said
Am mmnriH that lias am
li-ai nl tin- |ii(iii 1.1I s\sli-ni and
1 annnl ni l a lair Inal as Innn as
wt- havr pnoplr silting on tin
In-in li liki- Imlni- 1 lampion In
Hu! attnrnrvs Ini Hampton
-..lid llli-\ witi- disappnmli-d
dial tin- tiiminission must
11.1 \ 1 sin 1 tl min'd In pn-ssmi
1111 rt 1 dir un-ilia and Imm unin
formed s|ii'( i.d interest groups '
in issuing llw (ensure .1 siTi
mis penultv Inr .1 judge
Hill Nelson. .in attorney fur
tin1 Dallas (..i\ \lliantc said
llii' group intends tn tile .1 pelt
(imi vs itli llir lei,is Supreme
( milt 1 ailing lut I lampion's re
mm al
rln- 1 ommissinn ruli'tl th.it
I lampion's statements to nous
roportiTs viol.ilnl tin’ (.oilo of
|tnfi( ial ( onilnit which pro
hllnls puhlii 1 ommrilt oil a
ponding 1 aso aiul requires
lodges to promoto piihln 1 mill
iloiu o in tho pidii iarv
The hostility ami if 1st 1 list
generated In tins judge s irro
sponsihlo statomonfs 1 roatoil an
.11l1l1t11111.il Inn 1 Ion tm the out 110
11111 ■< lain llio order said
I lampions oflu o said lues
dav ho would not c onimoiit A
statement issued from Hump
ton s utlornov I )av id hiddoi
u as sharpk i ritu al ol the i om
mission s move
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Expires Dec. 31.1989 '
V»« m MOW any Ho* .«NJ •f't o*h*» o«r *’<•» "*•» **»
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The i ommission has ig
nort’d most of the findings .ind
( out losions of the- spot lal mas
in who was <1 [>|><)11iti'<i In the
I e\as Supreme (amrt and is the
onl\ neutral arbiter in tins on
lire proceeding. the statement
In December 1‘IHH. Hamilton
said that he sentenced Kir hard
l.ee Itodnarski to to years in
prison instead of lile for the
slaving of two men in a park
bee a use the \ u tuns were ga\
Those two gas s lh.it got
killed wouldn't I).we been
kdied d the\ hadn't been (.ruis
mg the streets picking up teen
age boss I lampton said
In its ruling, the judicial < on
dm t i ommission noted that
and other remarks made b\
Hampton to teporters \mong
i moments the commission
i lied
• I don't iiiui h care for queers
( mixing llii‘ streets picking up
teen age bovs I’ve got .1 teen
age Ixn
• 'Some murder victims .ire
less innocent in their deaths
tinin others In those cases. .1
defendant is unlikely to de
sen e .1 maximum sentence."
• The victims were homosex
mils The\ were out in the I10
mosexual area pii king up
teenage hoys Had thev not
heen out there trying to spread
AIDS around, they'd still he
ali\ e today
• lust spell im name right
II it makes anyone mad they’ll
lorget it In 1*190
Hampton, appointed to the
hem li in l'tfid by (an Hill
( lements. subsequently won
re-election and will run for re
elei turn in I'1*1(1 ( dements oil
Tuesday refused to discuss the
Postal Service refuses stamp
DKNVKR (AIM ll was pretty tar k\ when tin- I S Postal Servii e
refused to .11 1 ept ils new U issued nn In k stamp. Ini! a postal offi
i nil Irving lo put tin- I Hist laic on a sliikv situation admitted lie
W as In kcil
We probably did our usual temble job ol internal marketing,
and didn't let our employees know ue were test marketing this
said I In k Mile postal sen n e market ing direi tor in Denver, where
the stamps aie being tested
ll sounds like we've already antagonized one 1 uslomer he
l.dwurd t ook an airline consultant got a bit unglued aitei the
San I ram isi.o post ollii e didn't rei ogni/.e the 1,11 kv b.ic k stump on
a letter he was Irving to send to Ins dnughtei at Stanford I inverse
Not only did tin- Postal Servile return Ins leltei marked Not a
postage stamp but the postman also 1 barged him _’V 1 cuts tor le
turning his letter
l lie new stamps, w bit ll cost an extra three 1 utils each, are glial
a llteeii to si ll k W illlollt lit king
I didn't wan! to pay H rents lor a stamp I could get lor J 1
cents but niv wile wauled lo Irv them (look said I'm sure not
buy mg any more
In tin uiealitimi tin' post oltir 1 has olfeied ( look tree delivery ol
Ins letter and an apology
Saturday, December 2nd. 8:00 pm
Sunday, December 3rd. 2:30 pm
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Eugene Symphony Orchestra
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