—NationaL Panel censures Dallas judge for remarks about victims B\ Mu h.iel Holmes Asso< iated Press Al'STIN lex.is (AP) A si.lie (mill l.ll panel mi I Uesd.lN i ensured .1 I lull.is jud^e u hn s.iul lie nave a linhler sentence In a killer liei ause the vit Inns nn ere "queers l lie Stale ( (immissiun un In (III nil I nililllC I issued I lie 1 ell sure order for Ilislriil Jud^e |ai k Hampton whose remarks In reporters 111 lleiemliei innit ed .1 ve.11 lonn storm ol 1 1 il 1 1 ism I lie i ommissiim finds tI1.1t ludne Hampton s i.nnunenls pel si were ileslrm live ol puli In i unlideni e ill tin- intenritN and impart l.ll its ol the 111 d 11 1.1 i\ the i omtnission s order said I’lllillt I ensure IS I lie slmun esl .11 I mil tile 1 ommission 1 mild take short ol rei ummend inn w Near old Kepulilii ail's removal Irotti the hem h Kolierl I low IT s llir pailtl s I’M'I IIIl\< diri-i tin ri'.id .1 1 nmmissinn re |>«*li«>\ c that il s ( i-rtamk .1 step m the ri^lil diriT linn Mill Inline llaniplnn rrmams on tin In-in li Whal is In happi-n now In na\ mi-n .mil It-slnans who i nine min Ins f nurtroom7' \\ a\ linurn said Am mmnriH that lias am li-ai nl tin- |ii(iii 1.1I s\sli-ni and 1 annnl ni l a lair Inal as Innn as wt- havr pnoplr silting on tin In-in li liki- Imlni- 1 lampion In said Hu! attnrnrvs Ini Hampton -..lid llli-\ witi- disappnmli-d dial tin- tiiminission must 11.1 \ 1 sin 1 tl min'd In pn-ssmi 1111 rt 1 dir un-ilia and Imm unin formed s|ii'( i.d interest groups ' in issuing llw (ensure .1 siTi mis penultv Inr .1 judge Hill Nelson. .in attorney fur tin1 Dallas (..i\ \lliantc said llii' group intends tn tile .1 pelt (imi vs itli llir lei,is Supreme ( milt 1 ailing lut I lampion's re mm al rln- 1 ommissinn ruli'tl th.it I lampion's statements to nous roportiTs viol.ilnl tin’ (.oilo of |tnfi( ial ( onilnit which pro hllnls puhlii 1 ommrilt oil a ponding 1 aso aiul requires lodges to promoto piihln 1 mill iloiu o in tho pidii iarv The hostility ami if 1st 1 list generated In tins judge s irro sponsihlo statomonfs 1 roatoil an .11l1l1t11111.il Inn 1 Ion tm the out 110 11111 ■< lain llio order said I lampions oflu o said lues dav ho would not c onimoiit A statement issued from Hump ton s utlornov I )av id hiddoi u as sharpk i ritu al ol the i om mission s move LARGE 2-TOPPING PIZZA & 4 COKES Campus Store Only. Call Us: 343-3030 r I Get a large cheese pizza I with two toppings of your | choice, plus four 12 oz. j cans of Coke* for just 1 Campus Store Only | 343-3030 ; Expires Dec. 31.1989 ' I I I V»« m MOW any Ho* .«NJ •f't o*h*» o«r *’<•» "*•» **» c „N,y^ p«r* ***< **• t«wi t*» i ••*+*: *•• cv- * •»» c»f* •« tnar 17000 4 "*M Oor^rfX) » P>m ** i I J The i ommission has ig nort’d most of the findings .ind ( out losions of the- spot lal mas in who was <1 [>|><)11iti'