Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1989, Image 1

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    Oresort Daily_ _
\Vi'dm*s(la\ November 2'i.
Ku^ene. ()regnn
\ illume M 1 Number l> t
■ Parking structure update. Page 4
■ 'Small Change’ drive. Page 6
■ Globetrotters in town, Pages 8-9
■ Lucas leads cagers, Page 10
Painting by Numbers
I'nicersits sii>n paintei Mike Timshel labels a li^ht pair l>\ I’ll Tuesd.n .illri
mum The pules ,ue Liheleil tin 111.1111te11.ini e pin puses Attei I’imshrl completes mini
heriiif’ the out) poles ,inniiul campus he will he^in painting the loom numbers tor the
new si ience buildings limsliel. .1 silk screenist h\ trade waits until the afternoon to
paint due to we.itber 1 oiulitions
I’hiilo In Mark ^ I<• n
Students speak out
against EPD tickets
B\ Julie Andradt*
^ im-rald Keportor
Students volietl tin'll linn rills .iImiiiI till- im lease nl til bets
,111(1 l it.ltlllllS till sill,ill lltll'IISTS .Hill till' llll IHI.sistCHl \ III illVf Sligil
linns .111(1 .Hirsts llll various li.itr i limrs .it .1 poll! r liiiimi lliesllai
Hie | hi 11 it ist nl tin- forum s|)i i list uni liy llir \St () .mil In
>41"111' I’i llll I• I )e part tile I it. yy as In illsi nss u li.it serins In lie .ill llll
i 11 iitlnrl.il ilr re In I Kinship bet wee n I ' niversit y si lit frills .mi I I hr I I'll
sail I h ii k H,nlr\ \S I '() Allans ( mini in.it m
Students Irrl tli.il there lias lirrn .III mi rr.isr m pnlii r prrs
mi r l*iilit r Irrl that students are In snnir extent breaking the l.n\
anil have a great degree nl ilisrrspri I Hailr\ added
"What results is a innlinntalinii.il altitude. H.nlrv s.inl add
nig that hr hopes the fiiriim will help rid students nl this altitude
The forum V\as designed to formulate (list iission belrri'rll the
A SI () I. PI) and t iiivrr si tv students
In order In t'llri livrK work and i iirxisl together wr nerd
help trout tniversity students said folin Kulledge llrpntv < liirt
nl Pulii r Sri y ii r I In Isinn and main sprakri nl the Ini Hill
I'lir drp.n t niriil wanted In (.undue I a Inriiin to promote more
i uni mu n ii at u ill between the pollie depart liirnt and students Kill
ledge said
I'lie r.sur nl pelts i null's and In krling was brought up mam
times li\ irate students
“Win air so in.inv tirkrls bring given out flu stupid iif
lenses'1 asked l ull Hughes, a I nivrrsilv student
l.ieiitrnanl I -llunnd (aishnian gave three reasons fot the m
i lease ill tIi kets
III response to the parlvnig issue It’ll lias hern issuing tii keh
her .a use ot ( ommunity complaints, he said Ii .if I it In kets are gii
eu liei ailse tlie\ are potential ha/,mis |m both parlies involved
( ai simian < la lined that t ill iters have given warnings Inifoic and
they have been simply ignored The officers ate tell with no utliei
i him e lie said
Students i mil plained a I unit in r iy ing high hue I nr |.ivw alkilig
and not having lights on their Im yt les at night Slam student
said the nil II rrs did u I even give a w aiming lirlnrr Issiil llg a t It let
I thought the tradition uas to give a warning lirst It.1
I loop a l niveisily student said Sou Were getting hi kets lor
the maximum amount
'Police have the discretion ot whether they want to issue a
warning or 1 itation Sergeant t.ieg /.all.11 said adding that the
amount id the hill's I-, deternuned 11 v the I unit and not the III kel
mg ufhi er
/.ah.11 suggested that students ask lor a line rrdlli hull 11 \ the
judge w hen they appeal 111 i mill
Othei students asked yvhv the l.l’l) is not mi leasing the artesl
and pro is 11I1011 tor more imporlaut 1 runes that students are deal
mg yyitli sin h as harassment and hate i rimes
l- l’l) ( la 1 tried that they ueie pursuing these 1 rimes also
l.aurel Sharp, ru director ot the (.ay and l esbian Allium r
yy,mled to know yyh.it I I’ll y\as doing about the harass.. ol gay
and leslnalls
lurn to I oruiii. Page 1
Springfield forms commission to promote social justice
Battles discrimination, backs activities
By |anis Joseph
Emerald Reporter
In support of <i loriy; time need to pro
mote social justice, Springfield is form
ing a human rights commission to battle
discrimination and promote educational
and multi cultural activities, said Judy
Harold, chair of the Human Rights Task
Springfield is seeking applicants for
the 15 open positions on the commis
sion So far. three people have applied
hut more are expected to apply by the
deadline. Dec 8. as many people apply
at the last moment, said Mike Mosko
vitz. Springfield's communication di
Appointments to the commission will
be made in late December and the com
mission will meet soon after. Moskuvitz
The commission will fo< us not only
on mediating disc rimination problems,
but will encourage educ ation and multi
cultural events. Harold said
The initial task force formed in early
March to begin investigating the need
fora Human Rights Commission Twen
ty-one Springfield residents along with
Mayor Hill Morrisette composed the
group, according to a report by the task
"We had a true cross section of the
community on the task force." Harold
Springfield has needed a human
rights commission for a long time, but
the idea was never realized because
there vsas mu support behind il in past
i 11s government Harold said
However Morrisette supported the
nil-,i of .1 hum,in rights • ummissiim and
it was partis through Ins support that
tile initial task force sv.is torineil. she
The task lori e at ted .is a studs group
making recommendations to the Spring
field City Council "determining a need
for such a commission and the type of
commission which would liest serve our
community," ai < ording to the task force
The task force met twice a week lor
sin months prior to the decision to seek
applicants for the commission. The task
force held public hearings and recorded
a lot of testimonies of alleged human
rights violations in Springfield. Harold
The task force met with the Kugene
Hum.in Ki^lils ( ommissinn and the S.i
Irm Hum.m Rights ( aimmissinn In sin«I\
tIn-1r programs' organization
Thf Springfield commission will lie
siriu tun'd compli'tcK dilterentk than
lliu Kugene commission Harold said
I Im Springfield < ommission will lie a
single liudv in ( outlast In Kugene's i urn
mission whii li lias five separate i mil
However, the intent of the Springfield
commission is similar Both cornmis
sinus aim to make progress toward so
i ial justice and end discrimination, ac
cording to the task force report
The mayor and the c ity council will
i house the i ommission members for out
to three year terms Applicants will he
i hosen based on their experience and
commitment to the concerns of the com
mission and their ability the articulate
these concerns. Harold said