Oresort Daily_ _ Emerald \Vi'dm*s(la\ November 2'i. Ku^ene. ()regnn \ illume M 1 Number l> t _Inside_ ■ Parking structure update. Page 4 ■ 'Small Change’ drive. Page 6 ■ Globetrotters in town, Pages 8-9 ■ Lucas leads cagers, Page 10 Painting by Numbers I'nicersits sii>n paintei Mike Timshel labels a li^ht pair l>\ I’ll Tuesd.n .illri mum The pules ,ue Liheleil tin 111.1111te11.ini e pin puses Attei I’imshrl completes mini heriiif’ the out) poles ,inniiul campus he will he^in painting the loom numbers tor the new si ience buildings limsliel. .1 silk screenist h\ trade waits until the afternoon to paint due to we.itber 1 oiulitions I’hiilo In Mark ^ I<• n Students speak out against EPD tickets B\ Julie Andradt* ^ im-rald Keportor Students volietl tin'll linn rills .iImiiiI till- im lease nl til bets ,111(1 l it.ltlllllS till sill,ill lltll'IISTS .Hill till' llll IHI.sistCHl \ III illVf Sligil linns .111(1 .Hirsts llll various li.itr i limrs .it .1 poll! r liiiimi lliesllai afternoon Hie | hi 11 it ist nl tin- forum s|)i i list uni liy llir \St () .mil In >41"111' I’i llll I• I )e part tile I it. yy as In illsi nss u li.it serins In lie .ill llll i 11 iitlnrl.il ilr re In I Kinship bet wee n I ' niversit y si lit frills .mi I I hr I I'll sail I h ii k H,nlr\ \S I '() Allans ( mini in.it m Students Irrl tli.il there lias lirrn .III mi rr.isr m pnlii r prrs mi r l*iilit r Irrl that students are In snnir extent breaking the l.n\ anil have a great degree nl ilisrrspri I Hailr\ added "What results is a innlinntalinii.il altitude. H.nlrv s.inl add nig that hr hopes the fiiriim will help rid students nl this altitude The forum V\as designed to formulate (list iission belrri'rll the A SI () I. PI) and t iiivrr si tv students In order In t'llri livrK work and i iirxisl together wr nerd help trout tniversity students said folin Kulledge llrpntv < liirt nl Pulii r Sri y ii r I In Isinn and main sprakri nl the Ini Hill I'lir drp.n t niriil wanted In (.undue I a Inriiin to promote more i uni mu n ii at u ill between the pollie depart liirnt and students Kill ledge said I'lie r.sur nl pelts i null's and In krling was brought up mam times li\ irate students “Win air so in.inv tirkrls bring given out flu stupid iif lenses'1 asked l ull Hughes, a I nivrrsilv student l.ieiitrnanl I -llunnd (aishnian gave three reasons fot the m i lease ill tIi kets III response to the parlvnig issue It’ll lias hern issuing tii keh her .a use ot ( ommunity complaints, he said Ii .if I it In kets are gii eu liei ailse tlie\ are potential ha/,mis |m both parlies involved ( ai simian < la lined that t ill iters have given warnings Inifoic and they have been simply ignored The officers ate tell with no utliei i him e lie said Students i mil plained a I unit in r iy ing high hue I nr |.ivw alkilig and not having lights on their Im yt les at night Slam student said the nil II rrs did u I even give a w aiming lirlnrr Issiil llg a t It let I thought the tradition uas to give a warning lirst It.1 I loop a l niveisily student said Sou Were getting hi kets lor the maximum amount 'Police have the discretion ot whether they want to issue a warning or 1 itation Sergeant t.ieg /.all.11 said adding that the amount id the hill's I-, deternuned 11 v the I unit and not the III kel mg ufhi er /.ah.11 suggested that students ask lor a line rrdlli hull 11 \ the judge w hen they appeal 111 i mill Othei students asked yvhv the l.l’l) is not mi leasing the artesl and pro is 11I1011 tor more imporlaut 1 runes that students are deal mg yyitli sin h as harassment and hate i rimes l- l’l) ( la 1 tried that they ueie pursuing these 1 rimes also l.aurel Sharp, ru director ot the (.ay and l esbian Allium r yy,mled to know yyh.it I I’ll y\as doing about the harass.. ol gay and leslnalls lurn to I oruiii. Page 1 Springfield forms commission to promote social justice Battles discrimination, backs activities By |anis Joseph Emerald Reporter In support of