Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1989, Page 12, Image 12

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    A Wholistic Approach To Healing
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687 8600 • 1432 Orchard
One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires Nov. 27, 1989
Auburn hoopsters defeat women
K\ ( am Sivesind
Emerald Sp«>rt»• Reporter
I hr (begun women's basket
ball train lust thr Auburn Dial
Lluxsii i hampiunsltip tu tout
■lament Imst \iiliuni fib 7ft
Sunday. getting thru I'lH't sra
sun under w ay
I'llr till raid nl I )m ks lieat
(.rambling State Saturday night
tt-1 It 1 tii aiIvani i tu tin- title
game with tin- seventh-ranked
Lnlv Tigers nl Auburn
f In-gun played the Liih I i
gels lough throughout must nl
the contest Tile Ducks were
i lose at the half w itli a him
pumt delii it at i t III Hut \u
hum began to pull away in the
last live minutes of tile game
"We wen- alvvass in real h
thruu hunt lie mu* ( )n .
i oaf h I Ivy in I leiuy said It
was a i loser game than that till
ti! their was about lull I or live
minutes to go and they went up
hv It! "
Two Dai ks were named tu
the all tournament team Senior
i enter Melanie h.r.peiskl
si ored I T points and had six re
iMiunds against \uburn and
contributed 17 points and nini
relxiunds against t,rambling
State to take all tournament
liunnt s
Senior guard Michelle Kbit
matt lied her career game high
Iti points in both games this
weekend tu earn a spot on the
all tournament team
Shunting peri milage was low
till the I till I.N as a Irani w ilh a
•la peri eut mark and the Dm ks
were eight tor It Irnm the
three point /mu ( begun w as
also eight lor 1 I Irma the tree
throw line
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We were hurting them from
tin- inilsnli' belore they
sss itc hi*<l defenses I loins
said l-.vi'll lliiuigli ssi- did gut
snmc vers good shuts after th.it
iu' inissi'd some vers good
shuts too That probably hurt
us mori' u lu'ii iii- ilul gn in
Must of the Auhurn si ormg
was doin' In two people Junioi
guard < amis u Junes had tlf
points and live assists ss bile se
mor i enter Linda (nidbs
chipped in J'i points and 2 1 re
Tie Lids Tigers estended
their home court winning
streak to 1-t games b\ defeating
the Ducks The streak is the
longest m the nation
I'his weekend's games began
the I tin ks regulni season and a
si\ game road trip (loach
Heim knows th.it placing on
the road is a tough was to be
gin a season, but lie admits that
am early season game ssill
base ds problems
We made some earls season
errors hut overall I'm s ers
pleased I (eel playing here and
playing assay is alssass more
<1 din oil I loins said 'This
earls in the year against a team
this good we experienced some
sets good results even though
sse didn't ss in
file (.rambling State game
ss as a little hit i loser than the
I tin ks expei ted it to lie ( Iregou
found itself dosvn at the hall In
one point at -i'2 4 I The lliuks
ontsiored ('.rambling State
•4 1 ft in the sec mid bait to
squeak out the ss in H4 8 1
Islile led the si tiring fur the
Dili ks with her 1H points fol
loss ed In kaspei ski ss it It 17
■uni sophomore forward Sta< i
Walltmborn with lie Senior
guard |.« (|uie Semeniuk ridded
1 I points
Kvervone plaved and con
tributed m some piiti.se. tint tile
two phi vers who stood out in
the hist half were Mil hello rind
St,a i Slat i placed real well
hitting a couple of shots from
the outside as well as penetial
mg into the middle. Heine
Hut Slot,line w as i leal k the
different e in the set ond hall
plus |.it tjuie ended up with 11
Shooting percentage was
.i.ii11 (low n lor the I )u< ks at ! t
pert cut
(ir.imhlirig State team leader
was junior center Tarcha Hollis
who dumped in Ti points
earning a spot on the all-tour
(lament team
(■rumbling State went on to
dele,it Pastern heiiluckv Ti-HU
in the i onsolation game
I'lie Ducks fail* Portland
I tlesdas night at 7:11) at the
Chiles Center in Portland The
Ducks defeated the Pilots last
year at All Arthur Court !15 lift
I lie Dill ks last tl Ip to the
Chiles Center was two years
ago when the\ snubbed the Pi
lots (i‘t St.
( begun will i ompete in the
( letlular One Red Raider Classu
Dei 1 and In I.ubixx k Te\
as I'lie I hit ks w ill far e LTIrd
ranked Western kentuckv in
the opening round
Oregon has sweet memories
ot the state oi Texas 1.ubixx k
is I _’n miles from Amarillo in
the Texas Panhandle where Or
egon took home the women's
MATT i hampioriship last ve.u
The University of Oregon
School of Music presents
Friday, December 1
leaturlng Dennis Chambers
and Lincoln Goines
Saturday, December 2
with the Oregon *
Jazz Ensemble *V
7:00 p.m.
Beall Concert Hall
UO School of Music
Tickets available in advance at the Hult Center Box Office, EMU
Box Office, Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner, Pacific Winds,
Light s for Muse, or the UO School of Music Jazz Studios Oftico