A Wholistic Approach To Healing Chiropractic Care 10% Student Discount ■ Preventive-Oriented Care ■ Individualized Treatment ■ Gentle Adjustments ■ Therapeutic Massage ■ Therapeutic Stretching Offlc* Hours M W+ 14pm T-Tfc 2-7p«n Craig Balter D.C. 342-4520 The Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette - Parking In rear_ Get a 14 1 ITEM Plus one 16-oz. PEPSI NAME_ ADDRESS_ 687 8600 • 1432 Orchard One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires Nov. 27, 1989 L Sports Auburn hoopsters defeat women K\ ( am Sivesind Emerald Sp«>rt»• Reporter I hr (begun women's basket ball train lust thr Auburn Dial Lluxsii i hampiunsltip tu tout ■lament Imst \iiliuni fib 7ft Sunday. getting thru I'lH't sra sun under w ay I'llr till raid nl I )m ks lieat (.rambling State Saturday night tt-1 It 1 tii aiIvani i tu tin- title game with tin- seventh-ranked Lnlv Tigers nl Auburn f In-gun played the Liih I i gels lough throughout must nl the contest Tile Ducks were i lose at the half w itli a him pumt delii it at i t III Hut \u hum began to pull away in the last live minutes of tile game "We wen- alvvass in real h thruu hunt lie mu* ( )n . i oaf h I Ivy in I leiuy said It was a i loser game than that till ti! their was about lull I or live minutes to go and they went up hv It! " Two Dai ks were named tu the all tournament team Senior i enter Melanie h.r.peiskl si ored I T points and had six re iMiunds against \uburn and contributed 17 points and nini relxiunds against t,rambling State to take all tournament liunnt s Senior guard Michelle Kbit matt lied her career game high Iti points in both games this weekend tu earn a spot on the all tournament team Shunting peri milage was low till the I till I.N as a Irani w ilh a •la peri eut mark and the Dm ks were eight tor It Irnm the three point /mu ( begun w as also eight lor 1 I Irma the tree throw line ADS. IS IT ALL OVER? Up to 60 University of Oregon students may already have the AIDS virus. Thousands more are putting themselves at risk by ignoring the truth: AIDS is something that affects us all. Practice safe sex, because it isn't all over with AIDS. For more information, call the Health Education line at 686-4456 Sponsored by the Student Health Center. We were hurting them from tin- inilsnli' belore they sss itc hi*