Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Bike thefts
( )n \m 1(1 I walk mil > it m\
1(1 i lass into tllf I aw rein e
I fed I i ourtv.inl to 111111 that the
handlebars from m\ mountain
hike were gone I asked people
it the\ hail seen someone take
them hut no one hail
I w cut In i .ampus sei in il\
.mil on the w a\ I met up w ith
another victim who had pist
had Ills rear wheel stolen in
trout nl I'riendlv I lall I le said
he'd seen other people ill the
vicinity who were gawking at
missing parts
About a halt-hour later the
twii kids 14 and 1 r years old
were stopped In the polii e M\
parts as well as a treasure trove
ol others w ere rei in ered in a
pile ol leaves
lolks this happened in
broad davlight in a vein popu
lated area Did no one see it
happen? I < an t believe that!
I r\ this If volt see someone
who looks like he or she is at
templing to steal a bike or bike
parts eitliei s.n something
from a distum e so you don't
get hurt, or upprnni h them!
I know I would do the same
for you. Kven if you're wrong,
that person will be glad that
you're keeping an eye out tor
them It we all made a little et
fort and mustered up enough
courage to say something, we
could cut down on the amazing
number of bike thefts on this
i ampus
Iolin linear
international Studies
Basic researc h
In response to Mai \ Holt s
letter |( )l)t Nov ll| we ,it 1 he
Vintage (Untiring Shoppe are
well aware ol the separation he
tween the editorial and adver
tising departments ol a uewspa
We are also aware ol wh.it
i (institutes good reporting
line, advertising with the I'm
rr.tlil does not obligate the pa
per to mention I he Vintage
(Nothing Shoppe in arte Ins
I lower or. an arti( le ( laiining to
( over the lo< al vintage i lothing
outlets owes the leaders a 1 dill
plele ,md ai ( urule coverage ot
the subjet t
(ertainh ,is Hull states giv
inv; advertisers special ntten
tuni m articles vvuuUl t nst ,i
newspaper its respei I ami i red
ihilitv Hut neglet ting tu re
seal! h and repnrt the topii nl
an article completely also sen
uusK detrai ts trulii this i redi
hilltv and respei t
In this particular instant e
the failure In pursue a lew min
utes nl hash resean h red lit ed
the level nl the ,irtit le lu mure
nr less These are m\ lav rile
slures an gosh, here's win'
From a junior high si hool
newspaper this might he un
derstamlahle hut Irum the l in
rl.ihl I w oulil e\pei I a little
more professionalism
I).i\ ill Dellinger
111*- \ ullage ( Ini him; Shoppe
Will) is I ).l\ III II,Ill'S ’ I ll' I illV I
1111 sI\ h,is some kind ill 11it <ill\
popular platform In In- able In
i mill ilmlr whati’Vi'i In1 limis
lying in Ins iv.islr basket mil
liavr il printed on lltr Ironl
page nl llir Ijurr.ilil' l.rt mr
briefly expound on thr drli
i irin irs ol Ins \iii I I pulilii .1
I n begin with In- ilesi ribes
llir lnpolhrtn.il Mi Hriillin .is
smut! kind ot vii tun rathri
than a prison who liegan his
"business" with lull knowl
t*« 1 yi«* hr was breaking llir law '
\iul loi w li.il pm pose 1 1 o
deliver a product which i on
suiiirs peoples timr and hrain
t r lls and Icav rs I hr w ith a
slight I v more pollutrd atiuos
plirrr whrn they began
I hr iiioln r is grrrd Hut this
a It n Ir makes il sound likr this
gin has no i hoii r like Irgili
male gardrning is |ust out ol
llir ipirslion! As I said heforr
let us m.ikr laws that will hrlp
ti'll peoplr what is right and
w rong wlirthn or not vvr i an
rnlori r them
II a prison i annul srr what is
wrong with spiralling drugs all
ovrr to i onsuinr llir timr moil
r\ and abilities ol people who
are already lai king they air ri
ther blind, stupid or stoned
"YOU again!"
People use drugs l»» 1 iinsi*
the* .ire hoping to wain what
the* arr la* king no' lint ii
leaves thl’m I'inptv lust llkr
thi‘\ were helnre their e\peri
em a Being 1111 • -< I u itli the spir
it hi tin i reator I strangelv
ha* e no sin Ii tieeils
AllVW.I* I didn't lllllsll the
artii le hei ause the intro was
too sill* Heiilie* ' It's not
to late to ha* e a honlite
Huh \\ eim*l
I ah let h
I ,1111 ss riling m i• -s|m»iis«- In
• in .irlii le printed in the \us
111 edit Inn nt the / mrr.ilil enti
ill'll ()St Mil'll III de.lths
I he .litIt le ss a s ,|limit tun ( )SI
students ss ho were killed in a
t <u ,ii t idi nt in |,i11 IMH8. in
Miking drinking .111d din mg
It was st.tied th.it all had
heen drink i ng at a I Ills ersils
function I just ss anted In i ur
reel sum misinlmniatimi l.mi
Keiiee Hihliee and Mathess
kuvvash the tssn killed in the
•n i ident s\eie lint, m tai l, at
this him tuiii 1 lies had heen
uur In dinner and then In a
inns le
\tter tiles returned from the
Ilins le till's met |ne l ess is the
drivei and tssn others at the
dnrilis I lies dei idl'd In gut In
Mars Peak's In pi,is lunthall
ss here the ai i ident happened
l liere has heen a great deal nt
immiei t inlonu.itinn printed
ahnilt the ai i ident It seems as
it Ihe real truth is trs mg In he
III a ss as covered up In detei
some ul the guilt nt the driver
lie ssas a minor ss liu had heen
ill inking at the a hold him I ion
I le is ss ho is at lault
Lori and I gress up together
She ssas ms cousin and a seis
i lose h lend I n read an artir le
sui h as this it leels as ll a kliile
svas stahhed in ms heart U hat
I am asking is that sun please
get hold nt Itenlun < mints ( u
( lilt ( uni t till the Irallsi i ipl ul
this i ase so sou ss ill has e ai
i urate mtm mat ion about a sets
paiufiiI ai i ident
(iilif l).u iilsuii
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