Letters Bike thefts ( )n \m 1(1 I walk mil > it m\ 1(1 i lass into tllf I aw rein e I fed I i ourtv.inl to 111111 that the handlebars from m\ mountain hike were gone I asked people it the\ hail seen someone take them hut no one hail I w cut In i .ampus sei in il\ .mil on the w a\ I met up w ith another victim who had pist had Ills rear wheel stolen in trout nl I'riendlv I lall I le said he'd seen other people ill the vicinity who were gawking at missing parts About a halt-hour later the twii kids 14 and 1 r years old were stopped In the polii e M\ parts as well as a treasure trove ol others w ere rei in ered in a pile ol leaves lolks this happened in broad davlight in a vein popu lated area Did no one see it happen? I < an t believe that! I r\ this If volt see someone who looks like he or she is at templing to steal a bike or bike parts eitliei s.n something from a distum e so you don't get hurt, or upprnni h them! I know I would do the same for you. Kven if you're wrong, that person will be glad that you're keeping an eye out tor them It we all made a little et fort and mustered up enough courage to say something, we could cut down on the amazing number of bike thefts on this i ampus Iolin linear international Studies Basic researc h In response to Mai \ Holt s letter |( )l)t Nov ll| we ,it 1 he Vintage (Untiring Shoppe are well aware ol the separation he tween the editorial and adver tising departments ol a uewspa per We are also aware ol wh.it i (institutes good reporting line, advertising with the I'm rr.tlil does not obligate the pa per to mention I he Vintage (Nothing Shoppe in arte Ins I lower or. an arti( le ( laiining to ( over the lo< al vintage i lothing outlets owes the leaders a 1 dill THE FAR SIDE M-ll plele ,md ai ( urule coverage ot the subjet t (ertainh ,is Hull states giv inv; advertisers special ntten tuni m articles vvuuUl t nst ,i newspaper its respei I ami i red ihilitv Hut neglet ting tu re seal! h and repnrt the topii nl an article completely also sen uusK detrai ts trulii this i redi hilltv and respei t In this particular instant e the failure In pursue a lew min utes nl hash resean h red lit ed the level nl the ,irtit le lu mure nr less These are m\ lav rile slures an gosh, here's win' From a junior high si hool newspaper this might he un derstamlahle hut Irum the l in rl.ihl I w oulil e\pei I a little more professionalism I).i\ ill Dellinger 111*- \ ullage ( Ini him; Shoppe Deficiencies Will) is I ).l\ III II,Ill'S ’ I ll' I illV I 1111 sI\ h,is some kind ill 11it » ' d adnlli t I { d w ml VV•'n ' Kathryn H.l K)PP j.m »■< ihutM I V 1 «• Ingrid White m Tr General Stall Advertising Director Production Manager V Classified Manager > Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services Assistant to the Publisher Advertising Coordinator n Ow'd., -a (latter 686 S511 686 4 J43 686 JO.’ 686 1 18 1 1 20% off Any Compact Disc Happy? Tfails Records, Tapes & CDs Buy 2 Used Rec ords or Tapes and ^el one FREE* "(free used ret ord tu I. i/>r itl et/u.il or lesser t,i lire) Happy Trails Records, Tapes & CDs 1425 Oak I x|jirt*s I.’ i I H't 485-5351 * 'SUBWAY* 4 OPEN UNTIL 2:00 A.M. EVERY NIGHT COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON z o Ql D O o ANY SUB FOR 990 Buv any sub and ret idvt: scuiml sub (nl equal nr lesser value) for 'PIC with purchase ol a 22 <>/,. I’epsi .subluav* • ()ne i.1 in|m>ii [m i (.uslomri per \ is|[ • Not valid w all an\ other offer • Not \ .11111 for super subs • ( oupon empires I - II H‘l • Value approx ?S% r iff CW1IM S LOCATION, ONLY 1 "ft h & I f i I yard Open I ale Seven \11>111s a W eek ll):00arn til 2:00am COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON