Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1989, Page 14, Image 14

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( onlinurd from P.iRt* H
own people' It tells him that Ins own people
don’t know anything because it thev did. Ihe\
would he teaching hint
(lot,i said Kohhie Kobinson s esc lusmn (min
m linol will keep minorities out o( the i ommuni
t\ "I’arents are going to he reading ahoul this
.mil the\ are going to s.i\ I don’t want to move
to hugenc M\ kid might lie act used of heing a
gang member lust hei anse he s from Portland or
I..A and lie’s going to get kit ketl out of
si hool. ’ ’ ’ he said
•1 |’s dei isiotl to have Kohinson him ked from
si hool i reateil a new i onfln I m the i nmmumtv
Si hools ,ire i onsulermg i hanging their dress and
i i tm I in I (odes, and the \meriran Civil Liberties
I nion is mill eriieil about the i oust it ut nm.ilits o!
the dislrii I s dec isinn and ahoul future dec isions
David Pen \ administrative assistant to the
superintendent of t I said the distrii t e holding
preliminars discussions ahout polic \ • hanges in
i hiding dress (aides I lie one thing we know is
that whatevei we develop we want it to he the
same foi all si holds he said
Peri v believes a public debate w ill he needed
before anv decision i an he made Students will
he involved in am polic v ( hniige dm isions he
Opposition from The At I t
Dave I idunipic spokesman for the lot al
At 1.1 chapter said Ins organi/ation ’would op
pose a change in dress i ode prohibiting the
wearing ol gang i olors in si hool
"Wi* ili) iidI think th.it si hi><>Is i .in jiniln 1111
people from attending si hool bei ause they .iri
wearing i lolhing thnt is attributed tu some organ
i/.ition I 11 i<i in j t ii1 sail)
I hr ( (institution prohibits taking .litinn
based on presumpt ions he said Iliere is a i it
tain amount ot rai ism involved in this situation
I idanipii' said
I In- wav tin- lommunitv responded to Mi
Robinson s i use has fed that r.u ism instead ol un
dnri lilting it ' lie said
],ii ksun also was i mu erned a)unit the ellei I
ol the si hool ilistrn t s del ision
I don’t like the idea oi kli king a kid out i
si hool w ho only needed a i ouple ol i redits I’nu
pie just want to overreai t lai kson said
■ l.veil it tile kid wanted to sell drugs (If ri
i riot what s going to stop him In kti king hu
out ol si hool? II you've got him them m.ivhe \m
i an work with him |.u kson said
(live the kid some i Iear messages instead i
lust seeing him Hash Ins i olors find out about hi
historv and kuk him out he added In m
that s saving that w e as a soi iel\ and a i omnium
tv just give up on kids
We ad' here to salvage kids we re here t
try and edm ale kids |ai kson said W hen vo
just kii k them out and give up on them t ompleti
Iv \ou give them the message that they might a
well be a drug dealer and a gangster
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Eugene prime area
for gang incidents
By Denise Clifton
Emerald Associate Editor
('.Jtngs on campus It's a
st .1 r\ thought t «it»sidort‘H
unlikely or impossible by
many students ami lonunu
nit\ members
i nmloitiimi- discrimination
against black students and
cnminumtv members
I really don't see the
IniversiH having anything
In worry about because if a
real ('rip or Mood was on
campus. \ou’d know he
said It would he very obvi
ous and then they'd be
Hut the riw out appearam e
of drug gang graffiti in nnc
nf tin residence halls indi
i all’s gangs may !)»• i losei to
the t’niversits than anyone
wants to think
On Or t 24. the i niversilv
()lln.c of Publii Safets re
ported graffiti found in
Douglass Hall s stairwell be
tween the second .mil thud
floors 1'he sei:urit\ olficers
look pit lures of the message
anil gave them to the Kugene
i’olu e Department to ana
l\ ze
The giatfiti was UP IT
w ith a (!' crossed out fol
lowed In 1W7' said KPU
Detective hell Saxon, who is
well-versed in translating
drug gang graffiti What
that sa\s to me is that it was
In .1 member of the Wood
land Park Bloods (Portland
gang) who wants to kill a
t Tip."
The "1H7" represents the
California penal code tor
homicide. Saxon said
Although drug gang gial
till often is imitated by peo
ple who are familiar with
the slang but aren't involved
in gangs. Saxon said the
Douglass graftili was "the
real thing."
The l hiiversilv should ho
more concerned with while
supremac ist gangs Brown
"I've seen more skinheads
in the Kilgene area causing
problems than am other
gang people." he s.iid
"And thev |EPD) are not
even keeping a file on
them "
White supremacist graffiti
has boon appearing around
the University lor months,
Saxon said, and it's become
so widespread "that we gist
can't keep up on it now
Hut ding gang messages
are a threatening new addi
tion to the problem, he said.
"The graffiti isn't new.
he said. "It’s the amount
and the messages that’s
The possibility that stu
dents wrote the Douglass
graffiti can't he dismissed
because some drug gang
members are college age.
Saxon said. However, he
sairl most University stu
dents are older than the av
erage gang member
"In the Northwest it's the
kids under 18 who especial
ly do the violent crimes." he
said. "They know the pidir i
al system and they know not
much w ill happen to them. "
It s also unlikelv students
are gang members because
gangs usually don't spend
their money on college, said
Portland Police Department
public information olticer
Dave Simpson
' I think it s t.nr to say tliat
is gang graffiti." tie said
However, it's almost iui
|iossilil(' to determine if the
graffiti was written liv stu
dents or visitors, said OPS
set urit\ officer Suzie Hunt
Hut Douglass resident as
sistant lenndei Nelson said
she (relieves the grail it i was
written In t’niversih sin
"I don't know w ho did it
hut I've setm a couple of
people who might have
done it she said. "I've
seen them on tempos so I
think thc\ might he slu
HI.M k Si ini*‘I it I nioii ill
if* lor Krnost drown said nS
dangerous In assume slu
di-ills an* members of pm
iloiuinantK lil.u k nanus
I know .illi li-It is hern
wlio'vf lieon stopped just
Hoi .nisi; limy an* blui.k .mil
wearing a mil jat kol."
Hrown said, adding dial
sin I) paranoia onuses un
And pimple who are
spending money to get
themselves eduiated .non t
t\ pi< .11K {joins to rim
mound and do gttilg-tvpi- .11
tivilins." Simpson s.iid, ,nhi
ms I’m 11.nut Stall' I’niversi
tv lias I1.111 littln tinnhlc i\ ith
Sang violence
"I’.irl ot that is because
tin' niiijorill ot tlm fg.mg) at
tivilv is in tin- \ort!i and
Northeast Portland an-as.
and tin- si lionl is in tlm
Southwest ama." hi: said.
Hut part is tli.it tin- majorili
ot gang nmmlinrs am under
Turn to Graffiti, Page 18
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