Gangs ( onlinurd from P.iRt* H own people' It tells him that Ins own people don’t know anything because it thev did. Ihe\ would he teaching hint (lot,i said Kohhie Kobinson s esc lusmn (min m linol will keep minorities out o( the i ommuni t\ "I’arents are going to he reading ahoul this .mil the\ are going to s.i\ I don’t want to move to hugenc M\ kid might lie act used of heing a gang member lust hei anse he s from Portland or I..A and lie’s going to get kit ketl out of si hool. ’ ’ ’ he said •1 |’s dei isiotl to have Kohinson him ked from si hool i reateil a new i onfln I m the i nmmumtv Si hools ,ire i onsulermg i hanging their dress and i i tm I in I (odes, and the \meriran Civil Liberties I nion is mill eriieil about the i oust it ut nm.ilits o! the dislrii I s dec isinn and ahoul future dec isions David Pen \ administrative assistant to the superintendent of t I said the distrii t e holding preliminars discussions ahout polic \ • hanges in i hiding dress (aides I lie one thing we know is that whatevei we develop we want it to he the same foi all si holds he said Peri v believes a public debate w ill he needed before anv decision i an he made Students will he involved in am polic v ( hniige dm isions he said Opposition from The At I t Dave I idunipic spokesman for the lot al At 1.1 chapter said Ins organi/ation ’would op pose a change in dress i ode prohibiting the wearing ol gang i olors in si hool "Wi* ili) iidI think si hi><>Is i .in jiniln 1111 people from attending si hool bei ause they .iri wearing i lolhing thnt is attributed tu some organ i/.ition I 11 i;. rotate objects in .1° increments, measure down to millimeters, even "do dimensioning " Put hot and wild together and things get really exciting. You can insert your NlacDraw II drawings into MacWritc II And even reduce, enlarge and crop them once they’re there Your campus has worked out a special deal for you. It won’t last forever. Get hot. Get w ild. Get MacWritc II and MacDraw II now. They’re on sale. C * <1'.•».$( .*f«w*i—» V*fM Pwi-k Ik*** Pmw *1 ’."V :.N. t» * A c.4**» r*«ri>«a .» • .»( t M*.; >••• a».J Mt. W i ,w « (.«* *«J j*-fc >>*> I • > 11ii§ i n|U(Uti 'U J • r|,dri a nch. creamy, full flavored dessert It provides a delicious alternative to yogurt and ice cream ONLY 8 CALORIES PER OUMCE'!!! Open early. Open late • Across from UO Bookstore • 545-5566