Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1989, Page 2, Image 2

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End CIA hiring 'til
agency hires fairly
Kvcrv November, there's .1 certain ( harm1 in the* air
as students get worked up It's not tin* Civil War game
with OSt! it's CIA rer ru it merit lime
Students disgustful with terrorist tar.lit.s tin: CIA
uses <1 round thr globe decide t«» interrupt interviews
thr agent v schedules It happens every vc.tr. ami you
wonder wIn the CIA bothers coming mound anymore
This vear. after recruiter Thomas Culhane gave up
and lell. two students Mere arrester) One a minor, has
been released hut the Oniversitv is purstring charges
against the other philosophy junior Tim Hughes
I'he CIA's annual coming also tour lies off a storm
o' debate Some see the ( IA as providing a form ot na
tional srr 11111 v an important service I lies 1 e not both
ered bv the CIA's ar Is. Shouldn't a government agency
with a neeessarv mission he allowed to him.lion here
on state-rm lied land '
Perhaps looking loi Ic14.1l me.ms In keep the agent \
at ha v protester) are nit reasingh becoming t rilit a I ul
tin' (dA's (list rimmatnri hiring practices Tilt* <dA.
like the 111 iIilar\ ami other government agent ies. does
not line ga\ s nr leshians and lias a poor all it illative at
lion track 11*« otd
I list.n initial ion would lie the least ol tin* com
plaints uhout the ( l.\ Hnl the inattet does hear some
thought Regardless ot the so-called federal allowam es
lot' ‘list riminaton hiring liv government agent.ies. we
1 an not support the I niversiw s allow ing am employer
to lure on campus anti kuowingh ilist riminate It goes
against the I'niversitv s mission I’lie (dA should not
lie allouetl to ret mil until it cleans up its hiring at t
You d think I inversitN I’res M\les Hraml. a sell
proclaiiueti altiriualivc action t hampion would agree
Sadlv lie appears not to The tint ision to pursue ties
passing t h.tiges against Hughes (who was in the I'Att
u hen arrested) doesn't sit well with us It appears to he
auothei example ol Hi.mds ilelermiuation to (juell stu
dent at tivism he iuitls olijet tiooahle sin h as the ()i to
ht'i st tentf 1 oinplexxletlit ation protests
Now let 's take a trip to I antasv land briefly We ll
assume the ( l \ has (leaned up its act slightly. It
mm has an active allirmative action program and re
t mils ga\ s lesbians, bisexuals, women and people ol
color Yet il still engages 111 terrible human crimes
around the globe Should our dream (X\ he allowed to
let ruit on t ampus'f
Sadlv. our answer to this hvpothetii al must lie yes
There aie students of a conservative stripe who might
desire a t ham e to conlai t the agent \ They should
have the opportunity they'd have with am other po
tent ial employer.
At that stage, politic s shouldn't interfere with the
hiring process People t.ould still protest ( d A .11 tivilies.
hut ret noting would have to he allowed I ni prolesters
to continue disrupting our remodeled agency s hiring
would lie a double standard I'hev would want the l dA
to liire tail l\ hut oik e the (dA's agreeable. t!u*\ d not
allow il do so
And a I that point. disrupting (d \ ret ruit ing would
he the waste of .111 opportunity Am 1 hange in the
(dA s methodologv is probably going to have to come
from the inside, not from outside pressure Kducation
ol (d A (.rimes in the hum ol protests might lead to pen
pie joining the agency lo pul a slop to those crimes
Remember now this is .ill a dream
We doubt the < l.\ will tome around In 0111 think
ing anytime soon Hut until it agrees to ret ruit undei
these conditions, it should not lie allowed lo ret mil
here at all
_Comnuritao Polio
Tin' Oivgan I huh llmrrnlil welcomes ( ommcntai ins
I rum llif public concerning topics ot interest to the
University community.
(iommentaries should In- between 7T>() .iml 1.000
words, legible hihI signed find the identification nt
the writer must lie verilted upon submission The Km
erald reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and
length il net essan
Uommentaries will be published as space: and
time permit Bec ause ot these limitations, the h.inri
a/c/'s c.ommentar\ spue e < annul be used as a forum for
debate and response between individuals or tm mat
ters that are better dealt with in the letters section
Writers m<n onk submit one < ommentary a month.
University should put bike lanes on 13th
Thr finishing tom lies an* finally lining
put un the nmi si inner buildings but a leg
ai v nl what tbu\ brought tin* University will
11 ve on
Bi'fiiru uunstriK tion began the suction ol
l ast Hth Avunuu between Agate and l ’ni
si ms i t\ Streets was .1 t\vo-vva\ street Hut
with all the beav\ equipment and vehicles
needed to build the lei ilities. the University
turned a 1 do a one wav street
llns 1 uesdav the University Transpor
tation Subcommittee recommended to Vice
President for Administration Dan Williams
that the University keep Hast 1 Atli a one-wav
street, and i reate two-wav bike paths
The proposal tails for two hike lanes to
be constructed between Agate and Universe
tv Street one on each side of the road A
center island would separate parked tars
from the bit vt lists
In addition, the plan would involve the
section ot street between University and
kirn aid. whit h is 1 losed to t ars but still has
heavy pedestrian and bike traffii Two sev
en-tool v\ ide bike lanes would be painted in
the middle of the road. Crosswalks for pe
destrians would be made at regular inter
vals Both plans are similar to bike lanes
around Kugene
W illiams and tin; rest of tin; University
administration should accept this proposal
The section of Hast Kith in question is an ai
cident waiting to happen. Bicyclists and pe
destrians mingle freely in the middle of the
street trying to avoid each other and the o<
i asional passing car.
The University has a large amount of
hike traffic. Hike lanes would separate cy
clists. pedestrians and drivers and drastical
ly redin e the risk of an accident
But as a subcommittee said, this propos
al would not end the hike-pedestrian prob
lem. University officials know they need to
do something more, and. to their credit,
they've started the process. The University
Planning Office recently has installed mam
new hike racks, and students are beginning
to use them.
All the subcommittee members said the
Kith Avenue plan would not eliminate the
cyclist problem. On tins we wholeheartedly
The bicycle traffic problem is not going
to go away overnight; University offices
need to get involved, make suggestions, and
think things out. But the East Kith bike
lanes are a good idea. It is just a step,
though More needs to be done.
Hard right
I he maioritv of Americans
who favor privai v and 1 lion r
011 tile question of .ihorfion arc
linallv asserting fhcii views
Hul 11 is i rifii al that people
who value the foundation
American concept of freedom
of religion and freedom from
religion realize the religious
right is working hard to impose
then religious views on the
public, through the govern
ment in wavs other than deny
mg prtvai \ and i hoic e on the
abortion question
(ieuYge Hush remains torn be
tween the right wing, among
them Ins (Illicit ol Stall |uhn
Sunutiu and Dan Quavle. and
the voting majciritv which is
moving leftward and demand
mg responsible a< lion on prob
terns of the environment, con
stitutional protec turn and cdu
i at ion
But the hard right dominates
the While House Anti abortion
forces have compelled Bush to
v eto I ’ S funding for the 1 nit
ed Nations tnmilv planning
progress whii h is the most ef
lt ( live effort to control the pop
nl-ition explosion i risis
I his is ii major defeat for en
vironmental protection and ef
forts to achieve peace and ecu
ooinii justice The right has
also ended tederal support for
•elal tissue research; some of
ihe most promising rescan h lor
coring some serious diseases,
and the right wing continues to
work to stop the teat liing of In
ulogv in puhlii schools In de
manding that Hihle stories be
taught instead of the tounda
lion i mu ept ot evolution
Americans must realize that
the anti-choice offensive is hut
one arm of the fundamental
I hristian 01 lupus
Tom Kibe
In response to Rolls |ohn
son's letter "Take a stand
[ODE. Nov ii|
It tile Kartli anil its inhaln
tants are to have a future. w<
must realize our respousibih
ties to our fellow man. even it
lie or she is homeless Johnson
should (.ome to terms with tin
far t that the "just not in ui\
sard" attitude is an obstai le m
the w as of soi nil |iisl n e
(iettiun the homeless out ot
slight mas perpetuate sum suh
urhan fantasy, but it will not
solve the deeply-rooted proh
lems sve all must tai e
kirk Rinaldi
-—Letters Policy__—
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
2f)0 words. legible, signed and the identification of
the writer must tie verified when the letter is submit
I In* Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for
length or style.