Editorial— End CIA hiring 'til agency hires fairly Kvcrv November, there's .1 certain ( harm1 in the* air as students get worked up It's not tin* Civil War game with OSt! it's CIA rer ru it merit lime Students disgustful with terrorist tar.lit.s tin: CIA uses <1 round thr globe decide t«» interrupt interviews thr agent v schedules It happens every vc.tr. ami you wonder wIn the CIA bothers coming mound anymore This vear. after recruiter Thomas Culhane gave up and lell. two students Mere arrester) One a minor, has been released hut the Oniversitv is purstring charges against the other philosophy junior Tim Hughes I'he CIA's annual coming also tour lies off a storm o' debate Some see the ( IA as providing a form ot na tional srr 11111 v an important service I lies 1 e not both ered bv the CIA's ar Is. Shouldn't a government agency with a neeessarv mission he allowed to him.lion here on state-rm lied land ' Perhaps looking loi Ic14.1l me.ms In keep the agent \ at ha v protester) are nit reasingh becoming t rilit a I ul tin' (dA's (list rimmatnri hiring practices Tilt* () .iml 1.000 words, legible hihI signed find the identification nt the writer must lie verilted upon submission The Km erald reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length il net essan Uommentaries will be published as space: and time permit Bec ause ot these limitations, the h.inri a/c/'s c.ommentar\ spue e < annul be used as a forum for debate and response between individuals or tm mat ters that are better dealt with in the letters section Writers m