Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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    Nobody BnewsThe News
Lite Morning Edition.
It (hr tl.uk roll t.ill
ol ilis.i-.tits is (’fttitif:
.1 little stale, take a
Iresh approat li to
tin- news with ^
Morning Ialition
I mm National
I’uhlit Katllo
Morning I ilition
ts a stimulating hlt-ntl
ol the tlav s most
important stories.
long with news analvsis
sjxitls. business,
and features on
science and the
So get lip
on the Morning
Hdition side ol the
bed Before long,
you won t want
to start your ilav
anv oilier wav
I )rink It In...
I liis |s KkIk > \t^\s Ilx'W'.iv Its Meant k > IV’ IVvwvd
Muriiiii}', I Jmon
Mon I ri S .1111
National Public Radio
Committee OKs child care request
By Alii e Ihornton
Fmerald Reporter
The liu idental Fee ( ommittee approved a re
ipiest lor a spr*i ial alien alioil from (lie (.hiId ( are1
Task I ort e and the I,Ml and also accepted the
goals and purposes of the Stuilrnt /nsurjje/lf ill a
luesday nigld meeting
The allocation of $1(1.211 will cover the
PIH8- 1'ltl‘t defu it ol the ASI '() i hdd i are suhsidv
_IFC Review_
that resulted fmm an mt lease in the numlier of
eligible families
Inaccurate estimations of winter and spring
subsidy i lists and several hi i ounting errors in the
I Ml ' also i ontrihuted to the ilefii it
The task fori e did not want to see the money
i .111 led as ,m KM I ! defu it
I he II ( i onsidered this an "at ute emergen
i \ will’ll moving m .111<m me jm.uuu iroin iin.nio
( .ili’d funds .ind $2.2 1 1 from surplus funds
If u.is very hard to estimate how f.ir inmin
would go last year." said Priscilla Warren. < hair
of the ASUO Child Care Task I on e
The 1IC also unanimousFv approved an
amendment to the child can* subsidy contrai I
that allows any exception to the control t lie made
on a ( ase by case basis
Members ot the IH I also unanimously ai ( ept
ed tlie goals and purposes of the Student Insur
Kent which will allow it to receive future funds
from incidental fees
Robert Kenneth, the paper's publisher, said
publications such as the Commentator provide
precedent at the t -Diversity for funding such a
Kenneth said the Student Insurgent is hoping
for a 1 'I'M budget from the li t).
The newspaper is ( urrently reiving on dona
lions and increasing advertisements from student
organizations and local small businesses.
( ctntinurd from P.im1 1
liiH chip's own ev il ini Imulions
li.isi' drsirrs .ind li'm|)l,ilions on
.ni individual Ii.isis Sidiliqili
I hr mm ond as|>r< t is mililars
,ii I ioi.i fm sell drlrnsr .mil fin
rrmoval ot Ivr.inm. Siii<ii<|ui
said iidding that jihad also in
dii all's a slrugglr against the
t'v d and i.oiniption nt m» ii?t\
Siddiqui sanl IIutc am two
li'gilirnale purposes ul |iliad tin
I- t
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military action. The first is "to
defend vmir own life, honor,
beliefs, property lor) countrv
and to t.arrx arms for selt-de
fense of these rights
The set ond purpose is “to re
move tyranny and oppressive
systems." Sitidiqni said This
also extends to assisting others
asking for help against tyranny
at ( ording to the Koran
"There are ten few people
who would disagree that am
lit t of senseless aggression
against innot cut people. “ in
( hiding hijack, murder of inno
cent i i\ ilians and public bomb
ings. ire defensible. Siddiqui
'Islam emphasizes the best
means Don't use harsh action
when unnecessary." Siddiqui
said adding there are t leal
Kor.mit injttnt I ions against
wanton destruction in the event
of military conflict
A question and answer peri
oil followed the presentation,
and the almost 100 students
asked Siddiqui questions about
I lit* I’alestian uprising, the
death sentence against authoi
Salman Rushdie and Western
portrnvals of |ihod and othei as
pet Is of Islamic ( tlltllle
Continued from Page 1
"The most important thing
that I have to sa\ is that, in a
wav. I hold myself accountable
hei ause I thought I knew ahout
drugs." s.ml Mushes' mother
Sandra Bennett
Bennett tiled a wrongful
death suit in lt)B7 against the
University and the Theta Uhi
fraternity lli.it was settled out
ot court this summer
The University agreed to
work with Bennett in prevent
iilg illegal drug use In students
and to implement additional
drug i ounseling programs
Theta (Mil settled tor an nil
disclosed monetary amount
"The reason we filed the
lawsuit is her arise yre had no
knowledge that drugs were he
mg used to that extent." Ben
nett said "It is no longer a mi
nority hut a majority ot kids
experimenting yyith drugs
Bennett said parents ot stu
dents need to he more aware ot
drug use signs, and that parent
participation can he an impor
taut prevention method
Shirley Wilson, dean ot stu
dents and Uerard Moseley,
vice provost for academii sup
port and student services, were
Turn to Drugs, Page *•