Nobody BnewsThe News Lite Morning Edition. It (hr roll t.ill ol ilis.i-.tits is (’fttitif: .1 little stale, take a Iresh approat li to tin- news with ^ Morning Ialition I mm National I’uhlit Katllo Morning I ilition ts a stimulating hlt-ntl ol the tlav s most important stories. long with news analvsis sjxitls. business, and features on science and the ans So get lip on the Morning Hdition side ol the bed Before long, you won t want to start your ilav anv oilier wav I )rink It In... I liis |s KkIk > \t^\s Ilx'W'.iv Its Meant k > IV’ IVvwvd Muriiiii}', I Jmon Mon I ri S .1111 Mir FM National Public Radio Committee OKs child care request By Alii e Ihornton Fmerald Reporter The liu idental Fee ( ommittee approved a re ipiest lor a spr*i ial alien alioil from (lie (.hiId ( are1 Task I ort e and the I,Ml and also accepted the goals and purposes of the Stuilrnt /nsurjje/lf ill a luesday nigld meeting The allocation of $1(1.211 will cover the PIH8- 1'ltl‘t defu it ol the ASI '() i hdd i are suhsidv _IFC Review_ that resulted fmm an mt lease in the numlier of eligible families Inaccurate estimations of winter and spring subsidy i lists and several hi i ounting errors in the I Ml ' also i ontrihuted to the ilefii it The task fori e did not want to see the money i .111 led as ,m KM I ! defu it I he II ( i onsidered this an "at ute emergen i \ will’ll moving m .111r< t is mililars ,ii I ioi.i fm sell drlrnsr .mil fin rrmoval ot Ivr.inm. Siii