Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1989, Image 1

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    ■—.^.Oregon Daily_ _
Tlmrsdav. ()( lobrr IJ. l'lHO
Kng(*nr Oregon
\Olumc 'll. Xiimlici 11
■ Midwife services stopped, Page 3
■ USSA reps leave for D.C.. Page 4
■ One year after Ecdesia, Page H
■ A kicking family feud. Page 13
Mojo rising
Militarist "Mojo" rntnrtains studi'iits in hunt ul tin- Chiles Center
Wednesday afternoon Mojo says hr likrs to .liinind the t nnersi
t\ lt> help stinirnts yet thru minds till their problems
Photo In Stovr (lard
School building sold,
land to be developed
H\ ( atlierino II.mlev
l met .ild Reporter
Lilli iiln S* hold Will hr sold to .1 Sr.it
llr development firm to hr converted to
tl|)**l I nil'll!s I hr I ilgeil*' ( it V ( OUtu il dr
I idrii Urdiirsd.iv .tnd •! 1 itizrn's ,11 (ion
vl 11> 111 > li.is dri idrd not to i h.tllrilgr I hr
count it's dri ision 111 i ourt
1 hr 1 011111 tl .dso dri idrd VVediirsd.i\
to .n 1 r|i| .1 proposal Irom .1 nrighhni
hood org.ini/.ition th.it will usr thr pin
< mis t rum I In* s«iji* u! Ifu*
M llnul Id (li'wliip .1 ((HU
ntunits i Kiiicr .uni .i d.n
i .ire i elllcl mi the I iikdin
Sr html propeltv
\ repreM-illative from
I .me I ,nr Share said at a
Tuesdav infill meeting id
lilt* W •**%!SKlr \r 1 v* hht Jl'htH mi Qu.illt\ Im
led lh.it I .mi Sh,ire would not Mir the
i its ( iiiiiu il il tin- neighborhood organi
/.itmu objet Ini
It vs,is never Ihf intention ot lane
l air Nli,nr lo |ft11)■!i<Ii/f neighborhood
negotiations i inn fining this |iro|if11s
,imi vs f vs ill nol pursue lullin' legal .11
lion t li.it will imperil these uegoti
atioiis I .in Share nietulter II.ivhI
It mi kett s.iui
Memhers ol \\ \(J|’ appmached I an
Share members on Nuinlas and asked
them to drop then threatened lawsuit.
I an Share inemhei Ku h Kenter said
"Actually what I said was 'What the
Ill'll are sou doing'’ Il sou do that {tile
the liiwsiiitl vein'll blow everything
U \(JI‘ i o i hair I touglas ( ai d said
Ihe Westside Neighborhood (Jualils
I’rojei l and the lelferson Area Neighliors
dei ided in Neptemher to support tile
sale ol the si hool to Long Assoi piles d
the i ounc d would agree lo maintain the
gardens and the playground on the
property. build a child care (.enter and
pros ide a ntughlrorhood i enter
"With this compromise plan we feel
that I mill sides w in I t lends ot l.ini oil!
Si hool member Maura Johnson told the
i its I Olllll il
t licit') the plan tile SUN.(Hit) l.orig
\sscm i.itrs |>«t% s tor tin- j»!o|M*rl\ anil up
to .in $ > iMH) will y^«> into .1
spt»t nil rrvfiiur Innil ii» pa\ tor thr 1 InM
( ,il«* e «* I * t * * I Hr! V* lil»«>1 11« m *11 1 rnlri J.ai
linns «imi phiv ground
1 nit u I,».*•«I \V\Qf’
rr.11 h i < iniipminisr h\ ton nu; thr « its
to f.ikr nn^ot i.tt ions mint- si»rious|\ .
Ki’Uti'I Scliil
I <i»m | know tlmt lli.il \ tnir ( .mi
Siiiti It iliii m.ikr .1 Ini; (IitliTriii •* th.it
tht*\ i! air Shan*I hai ki ll oil
With this compromise plan ur
teel that both sidt's it in
— Maura |ohnsou
UNtJI’ inemheis worked with < 11\
i mint il members I.in11\ Shoe ,mil
Shawn Hulfs ,iml with Ian Share uii’iii
hers In outline tfii’ (nmprnmixe prijpos
,il I In' iiriiims.il i .ills tin tin- ("listing
him uln Si IumiI Annex to lie renovated
•ini! ( unverted into .1 child i.iic (.enter to
sen e .ihnnl . i hildren
\ house i uri^ntlv loi ,ited on I ith .mil
(Hive would he moved to the Lincoln
School site ,nid renov.lied loi use ,is .i
i ommiiliilv i enter
I he house must he moved some time
this month oi it will lie destroyed to
m.ike room lor .motliei housing prit|e< I
( ,ud s.iul ( .lid .isked the i oiilli ll to .11 I
i|uu klv to fuid the monel to mine the
Ihe compromise prupos.il id so pie
serves the playground .mil the i oiiuiin
nitv gardens, .ilthough the gardens m.n
he moved to .i new loi ntmu on the prop
Ihe i ill will ret.on ownership of the
i hild i are center and i ommunitv i enter
and lease the i hiId i are i entei to alt op
eratorat a low cost, jau How man ol the
I’lamnng and Development Department
"I think this is some ol the hesl limn
[urn to Si liool. Page 10
Shelters examined to combat rising homeless problem
Combined efforts may work best
By Greg Hough
Emerald Contributor
As tlir i old winter months apprnat h • 11\ and county leaders are
e\pe< ting .1 sharp increase in the numhei of homeless families w ho
request shelter and are formulating plans to help them
"(lonservat ively tIn- numbers of requests we got for housing tins
summer indicates there will he more homeless families than there
were last winter said Don kostur. direr tor ot kugene Emergent y
Kostur headed the effort to construct the Opportunity Shelter
U Atmi/.on Parkway a living spar.e for single mothers ami
their i hildren
I he shelter operated for seven months until it was i loser! inrteli
nitely last |line amid charges of mismanagement by local politi
Reopening and rev.imping the shelter is one of the options being
considered l>\ Urn- County said Steve Manila ot the countv's
I louse and I luman Serve es department
Manila a serve es i oordinator overseeing countv efforts com ern
mg the homeless, sail) the county is putting together a white pa
per" on the issue A major announcement on strategy and polit y
will likely i time later this month, he adder!
Turn to Homeless, Page 1 1
I'Kiilii bv Morn-*"
Homeless shelters such as the Eugene Mission. 1542 H. First .In*., are expecting a sharp in
crease in the number of people they n ill sen e.