■—.^.Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Tlmrsdav. ()( lobrr IJ. l'lHO Kng(*nr Oregon \Olumc 'll. Xiimlici 11 _Inside_ ■ Midwife services stopped, Page 3 ■ USSA reps leave for D.C.. Page 4 ■ One year after Ecdesia, Page H ■ A kicking family feud. Page 13 Mojo rising Militarist "Mojo" rntnrtains studi'iits in hunt ul tin- Chiles Center Wednesday afternoon Mojo says hr likrs to .liinind the t nnersi t\ lt> help stinirnts yet thru minds till their problems Photo In Stovr (lard School building sold, land to be developed H\ ( atlierino II.mlev l met .ild Reporter Lilli iiln S* hold Will hr sold to .1 Sr.it llr development firm to hr converted to tl|)**l I nil'll!s I hr I ilgeil*' ( it V ( OUtu il dr I idrii Urdiirsd.iv .tnd •! 1 itizrn's ,11 (ion vl 11> 111 > li.is dri idrd not to i h.tllrilgr I hr count it's dri ision 111 i ourt 1 hr 1 011111 tl .dso dri idrd VVediirsd.i\ to .n 1 r|i| .1 proposal Irom .1 nrighhni hood org.ini/.ition th.it will usr thr pin < mis t rum I In* s«iji* u! Ifu* M llnul Id (li'wliip .1 ((HU ntunits i Kiiicr .uni .i d.n i .ire i elllcl mi the I iikdin Sr html propeltv \ repreM-illative from I .me I ,nr Share said at a Tuesdav infill meeting id lilt* W •**%!SKlr \r 1 v* hht Jl'htH mi Qu.illt\ Im led lh.it I .mi Sh,ire would not Mir the i its ( iiiiiu il il tin- neighborhood organi /.itmu objet Ini It vs,is never Ihf intention ot lane l air Nli,nr lo |ft11)■!i«t% s tor tin- j»!o|M*rl\ anil up to .in $ > iMH) will y^«> into .1 spt»t nil rrvfiiur Innil ii» pa\ tor thr 1 InM ( ,il«* e «* I * t * * I Hr! V* lil»«>1 11« m *11 1 rnlri J.ai linns «imi phiv ground 1 nit u I,».*•«I \V\Qf’ rr.11 h i < iniipminisr h\ ton nu; thr « its to f.ikr nn^ot i.tt ions mint- si»rious|\ . Ki’Uti'I Scliil I \ Urn- County said Steve Manila ot the countv's I louse and I luman Serve es department Manila a serve es i oordinator overseeing countv efforts com ern mg the homeless, sail) the county is putting together a white pa per" on the issue A major announcement on strategy and polit y will likely i time later this month, he adder! Turn to Homeless, Page 1 1 I'Kiilii bv Morn-*" Homeless shelters such as the Eugene Mission. 1542 H. First .In*., are expecting a sharp in crease in the number of people they n ill sen e.