Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1989, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily_ w
Veclnesdav (Jctober 1 I. KiH!l
Kugene, Oregon
Volume lt 1 Number It)
■ Polit e arrest hi«m, Uagi'3
9 r.miiK.ilor to 4
■ I'mlnjln/ncr to fun. t*.i ;e T>
K ojiutikn v ..•,») ri •. i|ie P
Seasonal Sketch
Shelles llulbvrt. a senior in line nils, sketches .1 si ene Horn the rap
idly approaching autumn outside ot Gilbert Hall.
Photo by Andre Kanieri
Charges against law school
threaten disaccreditation
B\ ( hris Bounell
Fmerjld \ssoi j.ile Fditor
I lie American Bar Association is
IhriMtfning in moke llir accreditation
of llir l!nivfrsilv Si luxil In law il ad
nilnislr.ilors .in- unahle In ailf(|ii.ilflv re
xpnnd In c hargfs tli.it tin* lan program
is tlflii iftil
In .1 letter In l.m si hool Dean Mourn e
lliill.mil Iasi week tin MIA --,1111 thin
nun concerned .iliniit tin- insuffti ient
mimher nt lai 1111 \ .1 limited 1 iln.irv
Inidget ami llir alisfiii f ol an externship
program. I lolltuu! said
Mthough tin- AHA threatened to is
yoke thf ati rvililal inn id tin* lan si In hi I.
Holland said tin- 1 ham r such action
would hi- taken in slim
(The 1 hargfsj are vi*r\ serti us " I lot
land said I've also said that thf likeli
hood ut thf Mi A removing thf act redit
alum ol thf school is minimal
\n law school assoi lali-il With a huge
statf si hool has ever lost its ai i redit
at km. I loll.iml said
Administrators have until lift I to
respond to the AH Vs satisfaction or
lai f further action, whit h 1 mild ini hid
We have the responsibil
ity to take the charges
from the accreditation
committee very seriously.
One would hope that the
problems are solvable in
the long run.
— Richard Hill
cd (lie ills.ii i redit.ilmn prut rss. Hull,mil
I lif I.it ulty is ion sm,ill in in ms of
Ihi' number ill students li\ lour In six
professors," Hull,mil s.iiil
I'll III,ike lip for the I.Ii k ol perm.llienl
t.ii ult\. the law school is relying on .id
jum t .mil visiting professors, lie s.iid
An externship program involves slu
M.itn ii e 11<>11<i1111
dents leaving (hr I huversitv and yvoik
111tm .1 law tirin In gain ' prill tii ill
working experience Holland said
llnll.mil s.ml tlir AHA requires .in
externship program I" in* maintained
1 In' I 'mversitv discontinued its pro
hi .mi III 1‘lltH
As Ini till' lilii,ii\ 11 n I f.i i ii I s.ml the
budget is siillii lent I'lmugll tu 11 i.i 1111.1111
till' si'll,il 11111) I ii , 11 ii 11 is. hut th.il hlllils In
pun hitsr iii'ii hunks vveie liiilitril
I iloit‘1 think mu I.in stiuli'iits m
tin'll three ic.iis lirii' ,iii' adversely .it
Iik ted hi this ili'lii H■ in i (in tin- h
In ,irv I I Ini I,mi I said
Hull,mil said tlir uni's nlfet It'd air thi*
I.ii iilti who mil mi tlm library fur re
scan h matin nils
Hu haul Hill interim vu c chniicelloi
Im ai adi'inii atlairs said the Slate S\s
tern id Higher Kdiication is i un< erned
about the situation
"We have the responsibility to lake
the i barges from the ,n ■ redilalion i rtm
lllittee yen seriously Mill said One
would hope that the problems are suli
able in the long run
I hiiversity (’resident Myles Hi,mil has
met with stale bigliei edmatioii ollii nils
to (list uss the problem and possible so
lut inns I till said
Research park moves one step closer to fruition
Appeals board OKs park s development
Bv Hon Walker
Emerald Associate Editor
Advocates of the Riverfront
Research fork have ( leared an
other hurdle toward .111 earlv
1‘l‘tO groundbreaking date af
ter a long-awaited de< ision
from the Lind I 'se Hoard of Ap
peals (1.1' H A | was handed
dow u Tuesda)
1'he U HA det ision affirmed
.in earlier decision made in
April by the City of Kugene and
rejei ted a number of provisions
in tile appeal, which was filed
In Dan Slotter. a I'niversitv
law student; Al Crquhart. geog
raphy professor and depart
ment head: and Randy Prince
of Kugene, . , .
At issue w.is win tli. r rievel
npnicnt of the park along (hr
W illamettc River is i (insistent
w ith i it\ .mil stair land use
laws Thu 14 page report on the
del ision has not yet been sent
from 1.1 ‘HA headquarters in Sa
Keaclions to the 1.1 HA del i
sion differed between those
supporting the rescan h park
project as planned and those
who were m favor of tile park
but wanted construction to take
place elsew here
"We re delighted with their
decision." said R A (ius hcl
ler. < hairrnan of the Riverfront
Research Park (Commission.
"We re looking forward to de
velopment of the park; it's been
our intent all along." he said.
“Perhaps now we will get
tin- opportunity to do some
thing we set out to do li\i- years
ago." heller said "II .ill goes
uell we v\ill st.irt to construct
the park in early 1 ***»(»
heller said the < oinmissioii
has paid spec ilu attention to
Willamette (ireenvv.iv regula
I ions
"We've taken a good hard
look at that and have been
aware ol it from day one." In
The commission's intent is to
enhance the groenwav. heller
said, making it a better and sal
er area
Stutter, though disappointed
with the I.l'HA decision, said
"We somewhat expected that
Turn to Park, Page 11
WioUi In fjnt tun*
The playing fields adjnt rnt In the Willamette River moved one
step closer Tuesday to bei liming the proposed Riierfront Re
seari h Par k