Oregon Daily_ w Emerald Veclnesdav (Jctober 1 I. KiH!l Kugene, Oregon Volume lt 1 Number It) Inside* ■ Polit e arrest hi«m, Uagi'3 9 r.miiK.ilor to 4 ■ I'mlnjln/ncr to fun. t*.i ;e T> K ojiutikn v ..•,») ri •. i|ie P Seasonal Sketch Shelles llulbvrt. a senior in line nils, sketches .1 si ene Horn the rap idly approaching autumn outside ot Gilbert Hall. Photo by Andre Kanieri Charges against law school threaten disaccreditation B\ ( hris Bounell Fmerjld \ssoi j.ile Fditor I lie American Bar Association is IhriMtfning in moke llir accreditation of llir l!nivfrsilv Si luxil In law il ad nilnislr.ilors .in- unahle In ailf(|ii.ilflv re xpnnd In c hargfs tli.it tin* lan program is tlflii iftil In .1 letter In l.m si hool Dean Mourn e lliill.mil Iasi week tin MIA --,1111 thin nun concerned .iliniit tin- insuffti ient mimher nt lai 1111 \ .1 limited 1 iln.irv Inidget ami llir alisfiii f ol an externship program. I lolltuu! said Mthough tin- AHA threatened to is yoke thf ati rvililal inn id tin* lan si In hi I. Holland said tin- 1 ham r such action would hi- taken in slim (The 1 hargfsj are vi*r\ serti us " I lot land said I've also said that thf likeli hood ut thf Mi A removing thf act redit alum ol thf school is minimal \n law school assoi lali-il With a huge statf si hool has ever lost its ai i redit at km. I loll.iml said Administrators have until lift I to respond to the AH Vs satisfaction or lai f further action, whit h 1 mild ini hid We have the responsibil ity to take the charges from the accreditation committee very seriously. One would hope that the problems are solvable in the long run. — Richard Hill cd (lie ills.ii i redit.ilmn prut rss. Hull,mil Silili I lif I.it ulty is ion sm,ill in in ms of Ihi' number ill students li\ lour In six professors," Hull,mil s.iiil I'll III,ike lip for the I.Ii k ol perm.llienl t.ii ult\. the law school is relying on .id jum t .mil visiting professors, lie s.iid An externship program involves slu M.itn ii e 11<>11