Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1989, Page 14, Image 14

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Senate gives nod to spotted owl compromise
Limits environmentalist
appeals against tree sales
Sen.lie approved legislation
Satnrda\ to allow more l<i
of die Northwest's old growth
forests while protei Inin the rare
spotted owl. the last step Indore
tile measure heads to President
Hush for siftiiiriK into law
The i ompromise legislation
Was ( untamed in a $ 1 1 2 hd
lion measure lor the Interior
Department i ultnral and othei
programs w hit h was approved
'11 (i I he I louse approved the
bill Tuesday Id I 11
The measure will allow ‘in
hillion hoard feet ol timber to
he sold ill Northwest federal
forests dm my tile hs< al \ cai
that started last Sundas
It also:
• ( alls lot I i dav expedited
( ourl reviews of timber sale ap
peals (.hallenges Id timtiei
sales would have lo be till'd
with la d.ivs and litigated
w illun ill dav s after that
• Kei|uires that about bait tin
sales iiirreullv enjoined lie re
• Ke<|tdres tbal federal agent les
strive to preserve contiguous
stretches of old growth forest
rather than logging in a pate h
work pattern of fragmented
• I stabhshes seven member ad
visors boards to review Innbei
sale programs in national for
esls in Washington and Ore
( fin stale is not about to be
c lear c ut from cornel to cor
ner. said Sen Slade (lotion
l< Wasti who voted in favor ot
I lie c ompromise
()m nation,il forests belong
to tin' many ’ countered Son
U v i In- I inv Ii i I) (.a J'hev
air not private tree farms for
tile few
Km irontnenfalists have re
linlantlv supported the one
sear compromise Thev have
worked to hlor k further longing
of old grow til timber using the
rareness of the Northern spot
led ow I as a lever to protei t the
forests in will! h the birds live
The timber industrv has op
posed extensive preservation
saving that eliminating forest
land from the region’s timber
base will lead to (dosed mills
lost lolls and ei minimi desola
lion for timber towns
d ins limber provision is the
necessary first step in resolving
the flintier supply < risis in the
Northwest This interim mens
lire sets up a proi ess w dm h al
lows responsible harvesting of
limiter while protecting sensi
live eiosv stems and threatened
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spcr ics Sen Hroc k Adams
I) \\ ash . told I lie Senate
We in the Washington dele
gation were not eager to inter
vole and run the forests. he
added I nfnrtunaleh sin h a
step n .is nei essar\
On the Senate floor, debate
over the forest provisions was
minimal Instead, most alien
‘Our state is not about to be clear cut
from corner to corner. ’
— U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton
turn lo< usrd on ■! i ontroversial
set.tion of tlif ltiKisl.ition that
would give ttlltt ials tht■ power
to tlem federal grant moiic\ for
artworks the\ lit'lieve ma\ he
ohsi ene
Karlier in the week, in the
House the limber provisions
bail a more tltllit lilt time
Rep Huh Smith. K-()re had
.11 i used Congress of t .i\ ing
into tin1 demands of "radical"
environmentalists. and said the
legislation would result ill a
"substantial and grievous re
dm lion" in harvest levels
"This agreement is not the
short-term p.inai ea some would
have vou believe." Smith said.
(.1.liming it would result in n 15
percent reduction in timber
sales over the next IJ months,
resulting in thousands of Inst
But Heps l.es Auo.oin. I)
Ore and Norman Dicks. D
Wash noted that more than
100 House members bad vowed
to vole against the timber plan
as it originalk passed the Sen
ale. before a < ontereni e com
mittee worked out the ( ompro
lllise that eventuallv passed
both houses
\side trom the limber com
promise the appropriations bill
also ini hides S77 5 million loi
the i'uvallup Indian I i ibe land
i bums settlement ill the Taco
m.i area S- million to pm
i base Madrona Point on ()ri as
Island a site ol historic impoi
lame to Washington s l.ummi
Indian Tribe S i ti million tor
Spokane's (.'milennial I rai 1
and S i I million tor work in
the Mount St Helens national
v oli anic area
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