Regional Senate gives nod to spotted owl compromise Limits environmentalist appeals against tree sales WASIIINCTON (API The Sen.lie approved legislation Satnrda\ to allow more lr mure information see us on campus We'll be here Oct. 23 If unable to attend see your Placement Office or International Student Office Or write to Chikara Okabe Nippon Motorola Ltd 725 S Madison Ibmpe AZ 85281 Or call us collect at 16021 994-6394 Equal OpportunityAffirm ative Action Employer spcr ics Sen Hroc k Adams I) \\ ash . told I lie Senate We in the Washington dele gation were not eager to inter vole and run the forests. he added I nfnrtunaleh sin h a step n .is nei essar\ On the Senate floor, debate over the forest provisions was minimal Instead, most alien ‘Our state is not about to be clear cut from corner to corner. ’ — U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton turn lo< usrd on ■! i ontroversial set.tion of tlif ltiKisl.ition that would give ttlltt ials tht■ power to tlem federal grant moiic\ for artworks the\ lit'lieve ma\ he ohsi ene Karlier in the week, in the House the limber provisions bail a more tltllit lilt time Rep Huh Smith. K-()re had .11 i used Congress of t .i\ ing into tin1 demands of "radical" environmentalists. and said the legislation would result ill a "substantial and grievous re dm lion" in harvest levels "This agreement is not the short-term p.inai ea some would have vou believe." Smith said. (.1.liming it would result in n 15 percent reduction in timber sales over the next IJ months, resulting in thousands of Inst jobs But Heps Auo.oin. I) Ore and Norman Dicks. D Wash noted that more than 100 House members bad vowed to vole against the timber plan as it originalk passed the Sen ale. before a < ontereni e com mittee worked out the ( ompro lllise that eventuallv passed both houses \side trom the limber com promise the appropriations bill also ini hides S77 5 million loi the i'uvallup Indian I i ibe land i bums settlement ill the Taco m.i area S- million to pm i base Madrona Point on ()ri as Island a site ol historic impoi lame to Washington s l.ummi Indian Tribe S i ti million tor Spokane's (.'milennial I rai 1 and S i I million tor work in the Mount St Helens national v oli anic area THE PRIVACY Fourteen privately enclosed spas await you at Onsen Nature's own bree/es will refresh you in our open to the sky rooms Our warm bubbly water will relax you Get to know us arid close the door on the world for one quiet hour mseri HOURLY HOT TUO RENTAL Taking '*»•,«> votion* until I) 30 p rr Af«*k(Ja^ 12 4$ *ee^ends ( » 345 9048 1883 Garden A.«• tugen© You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore.