Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1989, Page 16, Image 15

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    Smooth operators
(Umtr.it tor* Irom \l,igrr ,iml Sims ( om rrtr smooth .m.n frrsh t:on< rrtr .it Unnmur
11,ill ii lulr iin•/i.iriitu thr htiildhiH lor the i rlfln.ition ol thr Si hoot of \ri hitri turr .mil
. \///(*</ Alt'.' rstli .iniin rrsnr\
Photo l>\ Stf \<■ ( .ini
The Peace Corps is an exhilarating two year ex
perience that will last a lifetime
Working at a professional level that ordinarily might
take years of apprenticeship back home, volunteers find
the career growth they're looking for and enjoy a unique
experience in the developing world
International firms and government agencies value
the skills and knowledge mastered during Peace Corps
October 10-11,9:00am to 3 00pm, EMU Lobby
Tuesday. October 10, 3 30pm
"Let it Begin Here". EMU Maple Room
Wednesday, October 11, 12 00
"Peace Corps Impressions", EMU Maple Room
Wednesday, October 11, 7:30pm
"Putting vour Science degree (or Liberal Arts degree) to work in the Peace
Corps". EMU Gumwood Room
October 30-31, 9:00am to 4 00pm,
Hendricks Hall, Career Planning and Placement Center
Sign up in advance at C P P
For more information call Jake DuDell at 686-3235
Peace Corps
The Toughest Job You II Ever Love
from Pane 1
get ,i dating situation where no
hoik is assertive
A solution she said. is lor
men and women to behave ill
wavs th.it w ill eounterart these
trdilition.il roles making men
more sensitive iind respei tlul of
women’s needs .md women
more assertive drill rlear on
their limits
"It we don’t do something to
stop this i out i mi uni then we al
low these attitudes to perpetll
ale ami esi dldle. I’arrot said
more assertiveness in t!><• same
situation making her fi>i<lings
i tear on her sexual intf’nt She
ntfM'l I lit* mans domin.iiii e
with her own opinions and
maintained them in the fai.e ol
Ins disappro\al
The i ontrast allowed Parrot
.old the andiem e to make sow
gestions hn those far ing similai
i in umstani es in realit\
She suggested th.it men al
low themselves to lie less domi
‘If we don 7 do something to stop this con
tinuum. then we allow these attitudes to
perpetuate and escalate.'
— I)r. Andrea Parrot
A video presentation depit t
ing two possible scenarios of a
frat*-rn11\ party where two coed
i olle^e students are fai ed with
a possible date rape situation
allowed audienc e feedhai h and
e\aluations of the hi tor’s he
The hist si enario presented a
dominant older fraternity man
i oeri ing a freshman woman up
to Ins room where he attempted
to fori efullv rape her
in a following video the
\nuni;ei woman behaved with
nant. mure sensitive and re
spei tin), less physical, and
mure sincere in their interest in
I or women, she said th.it
avoiding language with double
meanings assertiveness. ( om
munii ation sell pride, and ai
live partii ipation in the date
are ke\s to helping avoid a pus
sihle rape situation.
\bove all. women need to
realize that it’s () Is to sav
no she said
Creativity in Evolution
Featuring Stephen Jay Gould
Friday, October 13th, 7:30 pm
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
l’i. i nli'd by InstilUti* tor Science, Engineering and Public Police
co-sponsored bv Oregon Public Broadcasting,
I he Waggoner Croup,
Oregon Advanced ( (imputing Institute (OACIS)
and Portland State Universitv C ontinumg education
T ickets: GI Joe’s Ticket Master or PCPA 248-4496
Student Discount Prices start at $14.50
\/ SO ... Saturday Policy Forum, Oct. 14th, 10 AM - 1 PM,
Portland Hilton, t icket Master or / ASTIXX 224-11XX
Thi Wm.gi m r Group
piiIi it 111 UHWniiUV«H