Smooth operators ( tor* Irom \l,igrr ,iml Sims ( om rrtr smooth .m.n frrsh t:on< rrtr .it Unnmur 11,ill ii lulr iin•/i.iriitu thr htiildhiH lor the i rlfln.ition ol thr Si hoot of \ri hitri turr .mil . \///(*\ Stf \<■ ( .ini OFFICE WITH A VIEW The Peace Corps is an exhilarating two year ex perience that will last a lifetime Working at a professional level that ordinarily might take years of apprenticeship back home, volunteers find the career growth they're looking for and enjoy a unique experience in the developing world International firms and government agencies value the skills and knowledge mastered during Peace Corps service INFORMATION TABLE October 10-11,9:00am to 3 00pm, EMU Lobby PRESENTATIONS Tuesday. October 10, 3 30pm "Let it Begin Here". EMU Maple Room Wednesday, October 11, 12 00 "Peace Corps Impressions", EMU Maple Room Wednesday, October 11, 7:30pm "Putting vour Science degree (or Liberal Arts degree) to work in the Peace Corps". EMU Gumwood Room INTERVIEWS October 30-31, 9:00am to 4 00pm, Hendricks Hall, Career Planning and Placement Center Sign up in advance at C P P For more information call Jake DuDell at 686-3235 Peace Corps The Toughest Job You II Ever Love Continued from Pane 1 get ,i dating situation where no hoik is assertive A solution she said. is lor men and women to behave ill wavs w ill eounterart these roles making men more sensitive iind respei tlul of women’s needs .md women more assertive drill rlear on their limits "It we don’t do something to stop this i out i mi uni then we al low these attitudes to perpetll ale ami esi dldle. I’arrot said more assertiveness in t!><• same situation making her fi>i