Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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( .irrir l .nihtn tirshnum (four nuijor. ,uul Hrinn Orn/rtti. ./ hioloL’\ student, sprnd ,i
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Photo In Mark Ylun
Education program to diversify
By C liris Bounetl
Emerald Assot ijte Editor
I In- I Iniversity s plan. re
t|uiring ftlucation students to
i onrplete a lillli vc.it ul stud}
lot using solflv on fdui.ition.
will remain unchanged by sum
11 it * i legislation mandating the
state system provide both tour
year and live ve.it programs
(tngmalls the state’s si\ i ol
leges and universities offering
lout seal programs were to
eliminate edm ation as an nil
de(graduate major and leipnre
prospeetive leat hers to earn a
tlegree in another subjet t betore
i ntei mg an edm ation program
Alter retelling a bat t alaure
ate tlegree students ssoultl ap
ply for atlmission to one of the
programs and t omplete a tilth
sear of studs lot using on edu
vV .• M*ul»j 1 ) S. H)«h>ng
► tub of Onse> res* assured
fho» the wafer qualify s
e* »• *•' * f j * \j • i
supported b> the t.nesf -m
S •»*nf'a i.jrid ioni*i/tr»g equip
•• •* * V n i orfa? My the
Matt o» our owner fur tcn>!'fy
insures »ba» our high standards
ife met heti 'e >.• s.*>k nfo
the warm bubbly wa’er
!oi> inKj ,o’ s . t.i II JO
p weekdays . ' ? 4‘
! US 9048
rtHJ Garde- A.e t
i .ition ( nurses
However the state I.egisla
tore ( hanged the plan this sum
mer when law makers passed a
hill requiring the state's higher
eilue.ition system to provide
both a tour vear program and a
fifth year tear her preparation
The hill, nlia h u.is intro
dm ed by the ()regon I dm at ion
Assim lation. originally mandat
ed that all nliii ation 1 nurse
work he done ovei a lour vear
I lie ( )! \ and higliei eilm a
lion oltit nils were able to real h
a compromise which has lead
to what educators are i ailing
"a more diverse program
t 'rider the finali/.ed hill. two
programs must he strut lured at
ter the traditional foul year tor
" I he i ham ellor s interval!
lion set ureil a ii.u king away
from the idea that .ill the pro
grams must he tour year plans
to two being tour year pro
grams " said Dale I less policy
i oordmator tor the (Jtfii e of
Kducational I’olii y and Plan
The end result is that three
schools will otter both a tour
year and tilth year programs
Western Oregon State College
is slated to offer only a four
year program, and Oregon State
I'niversity plans a four-year
and a five year program
I he l 'diversity will stay with
the original plan ot switching
next tail to an additional year
ol study tor edm ation students
" The one possible i hange (in
the original plans) is we are
thinking about offering a minor
in spei nil edm ation that would
be at the undergraduate level."
said Robert (iilberls. I'niversity
( ollege ot Kdm ation dean
tfei au.se the four y ear plans
will also require students to
earn a degree in another sub
jet t Hilberts said lie expects no
problem in tilling the Diliversi
tv's fifth-year program
Members of the Oregon State
Hoard of Higher Kdut at ion. in
complying with the I.egisla
tun*, pushed for <i diversified
edmation system that provided
(hones to students, said lfolly
Zanville, associate vice ( han
cellor lor a( ademic affairs
"We we re told to have a di
versified system, and that's
what we're doing," Zanville
I'he initial oonflir t hetween
the ()!’A and the higher edm a
lion hoard was over the issue of
whether the fifth ve.ir of studv
should result in a master's do
"We re still pushing that that
much schooling should lead to
a master's." said OKA spokes
man Don Shore
Moreover. Shore said the
()KA was upset at the lac k of al
ternatives being ottered stu
dents whit h is why the organi
/ation introduced legislation
requiring both programs to he
It does appear that
(OSHIIK's plant is going to of
for programs lor those students
that a I read v have graduated
and are (uming hat k and to
those freshman that want to go
into education and get through
it in four years, " Shore said
Zanville. who is c oordinating
with the six schools to get the
programs started, said edm a
tors from eat h c ampus are de
veinping proposals to submit to
the Teat her Standards and
Practices (loininission. which
oversees the c.ertifit ation of ele
mentary and secondary teach
ers ill (Jregon
" The proposals need approv
al hv this spring bet nuse that is
when students begin apply
mg." Zanville said
"At this point, we want to
get (the programs) all on line
and then sit hat k and see if this
is what we want." she said
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