ILLUSIONS1"1"""" 1311 Lincoln, Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS vi’.rofn./. cj *• i' n.jr now s24.95 ■ )• • h.if m,i, t» ' HAIRCUTS nows6.00 orrer oniy yuuu wan Betty and Marla Illusions • 345-1810 i ,oon r hi o l k member 5, 1989 with coupon only In the DARK about where to START? FREELANCE Meeting Thursday, October 5, 2 p.m. In tlie EMU Board Room kd floor of the EMU (>f < i Hit,H I Mu <• \\ hrrlrr ( \l\ I K i Si )< I \l l\\ I s| MINI For People Who Care How As Well As How Much. T 7 ih i. n ,u. Ix'hMxl imi> ik\i t 1 nwki \ IK it II U hull 1 ill •!'*!• I. ■' " ‘-‘K l‘ ' Iimsinuills II.M u»u ihoiighl .liMHii vvtui viHir *1* -ILun .Ur *rtmn .ukI wh.u m hi * .u> >1*; i*1 kivp itu in t * u»sW(i>l xwto \» mi Ik In K i uhrii n*hmI ln\r>inu*m IuihJ Ui> vmi rvtkt t vimrvalue'* in yvnir muMnuni p* uifc-b* • Hu I iiihI hum K six-ks ii i muN ui n Miijvum^ wIik f» uIh-Ihm-n v.HUnluili In.i In .illln |H .k etui |»i» *lik live vv««U wllllt |\**u|ini! \« HIIJ Ml M* ** 11 Ml vb* lniMIK-» ill «H w||}-. S. ..til Ml «< (i «! *' t! i •• VVi 1 VVt i|». HI** NVMl Ilb I kmf k\ivi v» hii v.iIih-n .iihI Hiu-Ninums iimutiiii in' k i Willi H ill 1- I lil t i'l ,Hl' fi* unx ti> tviuhl mn fulh A"» wm *•" M’.'mI >.i « iK. M v. -ii *l H si . it» .i |W ■ ,1 . M «' l • ' Please send the information on the Calvert Social Investment fund Attention Geott Hughs Nam*___ Address__—— City_State-Zip Phone_ Office Ph - if Ibci URI ORGAN E atftt>it»7>«« 97401 Call 485-0202 Sit back and chat ( .irrir l .nihtn tirshnum (four nuijor. ,uul Hrinn Orn/rtti. ./ hioloL’\ student, sprnd ,i sn/i/n ( hfumi .iltrrnnon i isitinii in front of thr knight I ihr.irx Photo In Mark Ylun __University_ Education program to diversify By C liris Bounetl Emerald Assot ijte Editor I In- I Iniversity s plan. re t|uiring ftlucation students to i onrplete a lillli ul stud} lot using solflv on fdui.ition. will remain unchanged by sum 11 it * i legislation mandating the state system provide both tour year and live programs (tngmalls the state’s si\ i ol leges and universities offering lout seal programs were to eliminate edm ation as an nil de(graduate major and leipnre prospeetive leat hers to earn a tlegree in another subjet t betore i ntei mg an edm ation program Alter retelling a bat t alaure ate tlegree students ssoultl ap ply for atlmission to one of the programs and t omplete a tilth sear of studs lot using on edu THE WATER vV .• M*ul»j 1 ) S. H)«h>ng ► tub of Onse> res* assured fho» the wafer qualify s e* »• *•' * f j * \j • i supported b> the t.nesf -m S •»*nf'a i.jrid ioni*i/tr»g equip •• •* * V n i orfa? My the Matt o» our owner fur tcn>!'fy insures »ba» our high standards ife met heti 'e >.• s.*>k nfo the warm bubbly wa’er ^ MOUPUY MOT TUO MKTAL !oi> inKj ,o’ s . t.i II JO p weekdays . ' ? 4‘ ! US 9048 rtHJ Garde- A.e t i .ition ( nurses However the state I.egisla tore ( hanged the plan this sum mer when law makers passed a hill requiring the state's higher eilue.ition system to provide both a tour vear program and a fifth year tear her preparation program The hill, nlia h intro dm ed by the ()regon I dm at ion Assim lation. originally mandat ed that all nliii ation 1 nurse work he done ovei a lour vear period I lie ( )! \ and higliei eilm a lion oltit nils were able to real h a compromise which has lead to what educators are i ailing "a more diverse program t 'rider the finali/.ed hill. two programs must he strut lured at ter the traditional foul year tor mat " I he i ham ellor s interval! lion set ureil a ii.u king away from the idea that .ill the pro grams must he tour year plans to two being tour year pro grams " said Dale I less policy i oordmator tor the (Jtfii e of Kducational I’olii y and Plan ning The end result is that three schools will otter both a tour year and tilth year programs Western Oregon State College is slated to offer only a four year program, and Oregon State I'niversity plans a four-year and a five year program I he l 'diversity will stay with the original plan ot switching next tail to an additional year ol study tor edm ation students " The one possible i hange (in the original plans) is we are thinking about offering a minor in spei nil edm ation that would be at the undergraduate level." said Robert (iilberls. I'niversity ( ollege ot Kdm ation dean tfei the four y ear plans will also require students to earn a degree in another sub jet t Hilberts said lie expects no problem in tilling the Diliversi tv's fifth-year program Members of the Oregon State Hoard of Higher Kdut at ion. in complying with the I.egisla tun*, pushed for