Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1989, Page 16, Image 16

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Nothing compares to what volleyballers face
I l.ivr vim rvrr l»'rn tn .1 Mil
ln\h.ill game7
Rough spurt
(•'orgi't about funtll.lll 1 Ills is
thf toughest game 111 town Xu
1 umparison Nothing »*v«*n
1 nilifs ( Insi'
|ust look .it tlir terminology
I ikiIIi.iII lias sin li 1'iisy wurrls
like firs! i/niwi fit’llI h<m! .mil
\,ih l\ \ 11111lull nil llic utliri
hand is mm h inorr vinleiil
I lll’sc 11 \ s liavi' lllliS sj>lkr\
iinci m\ iM rsiiii.il favnnlr f/ic
Hun i'vi n kui'p si.ilistii s mi
k ill-. ( hilstdr lulli-r Mu lirllr
kirhsli.u ll had 17 in Olir nauir
.Hj.niisl Porihind Slatr las! \r..i
VVhal a i n,ii ll's i ightmarr PSt'
probably hud !<i pull people out
(it the stands tost to finish the
Titan missiles don’t travel .is
fast as some of these Kills
spikes Itawiin t barium often
bleaks the sound harrier
hieshai It. on oi i asion, has
been known to maim
Wanna know what the Ore
gon K'rls team s nickname is'
the Iht Squad 1 nutball teams
i boose tame must uN. like lions
and liners arid hears loll m\ I
Hut voiles ball plus its ko a dll
ferenl route t he I lit Squad
isn't the name of a sports team
It's 1 a pone's gann
I veil the tac In s ol vollevball
are totalh different than a11\
other K'ltue In football for ex
ample, you try to throw the ball
away from the defenders In
volleyball you aim for them
I'referuhly their head
I know volleyball I was born
and raised in Southern (.alifor
111.1 w here volley ball is some
lllini; like what hockey is to
( anada \ national pastime I
also think it's a law
( bow iiik up I spent a lot of
tune at the beach. plevuiK veil
ley ball I here is no comparison
between beach volleyball and
the indoor version ol the sport
lor iiiir thing Ms played on
sand. not the hard wood ot in
door volleyball
Indoor volleyball m tuallv lias
str.Megv Offense defense and
the standard hump, set spike
it m \ our opponent s fai e pla\
At the heaeli. whoever gets ti.
the hail lirst lilts it ovet the lift
Anti ot you don't get lo it well
lint k another w ill t tune along
soon enough
Watt li the Oregon volleyball
team play some time lllese
people at tuallv (fi\f onto the
t nurt alter balls At the heat h
the tml\ time Mill go to the
ground is to impress the good
looking person who just
walked h\ You don't do it til
ten Sand down the shorts
t hales
()iie time though I hail the
opportiiuih to play regulation
indoor volleyball against some
guvs from the I s junior team
Thc\ wen* m town, .mil .1 few
liictuls and ! ran into them at
1 he g\ in
Thcv 1 hallenged us to a
Kamo and suit e llie how ling al
Icy wasn't open vet. we act ept
ed Mistake number one
Should have stilt k with howl
Sint e I ni taller than most
people. m\ Inends persuaded
me to pl.u on the front line
Mistake number two
\\ orst exponent e ol im life
Suit e w hen did 1 (i-vear-olds
Srow to i> 5 and jump like ga
/elles' Halls were whizzins
around rnv head with the speed
ot automatic weapon lire I still
have dents in im arms from
blot kins hut the volleyball im
print in m\ forehead faded
with time
Since tin’ll. I haven't played
to much volleyball. I’m almost
Sim shv I wake up nights
sweating at tile thought ol jump
serves I'm thinking about seek
ing professional help Vol
levball Anonymous Hello, im
name is I Jon
I oothall. rugby, hot ke\ or la
t rosso ’ No w av
Volleyball is tor the truly
Men golfers successful
The Oregon men's golf
team unloved a sui i essfcil
day last Thursday, finishing
sec unci m a field of 12 teams
at the Wolf Pac k Classic: in
Carson (lily. Nevada
Oregon finished Itt strokes
la-hind tournament c hampi
on Nevada Kenn in the ad
hole event Nevada Keno
finished the day with H7H
strokes followed by Ore*
go n s Hft7.
t' S Internalional Hoise
State and Washington Slate
rmindetl out the top five
w ith sc cues ot ‘KKi ‘102 and
‘((lit re spec lively
l,arr\ Hull of Hoise State
was tin- indiv idii.il winner
with •! score i)l 215, one un
der |)<ir fur llic tournament
(JregoiTs Hut) Rannovv lied
lor scimid with Kud Butler
ul Nevada Reno with a score
of 2 Hi Chris llol/gang of
Oregon finished seventh
ovciall at 2?<t
Other Oregon scores were
loin Smith. Tim llvul and
Shawn An her w ith sr ores of
220 2 to and 2.Hi. respec
The I links travel to Black
Butte in central Oregon for
the Portland State ln\ Ballon
al on Monday and Tuesday
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