Sports Nothing compares to what volleyballers face I l.ivr vim rvrr l»'rn tn .1 Mil ln\h.ill game7 Rough spurt (•'orgi't about funtll.lll 1 Ills is thf toughest game 111 town Xu 1 umparison Nothing »*v«*n 1 nilifs ( Insi' |ust look .it tlir terminology I ikiIIi.iII lias sin li 1'iisy wurrls like firs! i/niwi fit’llI hlkr\ iinci m\ iM favnnlr f/ic kill Hun i'vi n kui'p si.ilistii s mi k ill-. ( hilstdr lulli-r Mu lirllr kirhsli.u ll had 17 in Olir nauir .Hj.niisl Porihind Slatr las! \r..i VVhal a i n,ii ll's i ightmarr PSt' probably hud ! 5 and jump like ga /elles' Halls were whizzins around rnv head with the speed ot automatic weapon lire I still have dents in im arms from blot kins hut the volleyball im print in m\ forehead faded with time Since tin’ll. I haven't played to much volleyball. I’m almost Sim shv I wake up nights sweating at tile thought ol jump serves I'm thinking about seek ing professional help Vol levball Anonymous Hello, im name is I Jon I oothall. rugby, hot ke\ or la t rosso ’ No w av Volleyball is tor the truly tough Men golfers successful The Oregon men's golf team unloved a sui i essfcil day last Thursday, finishing sec unci m a field of 12 teams at the Wolf Pac k Classic: in Carson (lily. Nevada Oregon finished Itt strokes la-hind tournament c hampi on Nevada Kenn in the ad hole event Nevada Keno finished the day with H7H strokes followed by Ore* go n s Hft7. t' S Internalional Hoise State and Washington Slate rmindetl out the top five w ith sc cues ot ‘KKi ‘102 and ‘((lit re spec lively l,arr\ Hull of Hoise State was tin- indiv winner with •! score i)l 215, one un der |)