Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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Celebration promises fun for all
IU Dobbin Helm
kmorale! ( nntrilnitor
"In lllf \\ illami’ltr \ .1111 ■ \
i ilv nl the ilmvnlnun
uxpli nil’s in .1 lrs|i\ .il si i ni'
\ pni'in mi llii’ i nliirful pusl
rr tin llii- I'lHT Imiiptii’(li’lchra
lion Intiiiis with lln-si' words
Wh.it is I In’ I aipiTJf (lolnbt.1
lion’’ It's pis! uli.il it s.ivs "It's
.i u’li’br.ition nl llii’ fail that
ui’ tr Iut k\ itiuih;Ii to In’ in tin’
>;n‘.i! Xnrthwrsl sail) I’lnl
i J'Sliaiiuhni’ssv () Sli.iunliin ■
s\ win) is ri’sponsibii’ Ini I < In
hralinn puhlii inlnrmation
works with ( uni Hri'uslot tin
spot ml I'MTits inanarjiT anil i n
ordm.itor for (In* ( elebra
lion I'lii* sl.itf wauls to sire-.',
th.it (lie I Hrbr.ition ha sollir
thing for everyone
Held priniarils utt tin* work
mil ol Sept tit ()i t 1 the
scar’s i rbtbnilion u ill have
mine th.in Ml c\ cuts must t.ik
ing place in the downtown
.Iren I Im events ini hide i inn
petitions v.irving from the Ms
road i.11 e .uni lh I nn Hun to
the l ire Ihn kel brigade. the
Wailer Waitress competition
.mil .in .idIIIt liii \i le race
i ailed the I'rike ( ulli.ilon
There will he ,i parade on
Salurdas morning stalling at
'( OH a m w ith aliout I ri tloals
.mil 111,in limn hands About 10
booths will be M't up .it the
( bmini11nit\ Honth I’.irku a\
.mil noarln foods of .ill sorts
will lx- offered .it llic Kxliaoidi
n.ii \ 1 .itoi ics area
kii k inn off tbr i floliratioii
earlier 111 tbr week Will lie till’
Mayor s Art Shim Him* one
i .in \ icu some works displayrd
In 10 ol tbr top IlH .li altlsls
I In altlsls then w ill pit k an
Artist's < In>ii «■ to lie bonori'd
In tbr rtiayoi These will be r\
hibited at Jacob's nailery in the
I loll ( rntri
Probably tin main attrai lion
ol tbr lainene f rlrbration is tbr
Turn to I estival, Page I 1
Happy Hour All Night Long
students a bit of happiness.
Card To get one, just present
student I.D. Then from 7 p m until
On Tuesday nights, Original -Joe's
With the Original Joes Discount 9
vour driver's license and^r
closing you can en)oy happy hour prices on your
favorite beverages, as well as I ^discounts on appetizers We also
include chips, salsa and bean dip. i Free Come to Original Joe's on Tuesdays.
We re celebrating all night
Ongm.il Joe’s • 21 West 6th Street • Eugene • Across from the Hilton
Use Your Key.
ke\ Hank is committed to odikation.il opportunities in Oregon. For
undergraduate work, postgraduate work, you name it That's win we
otter a variety of special financial sen ices to meet the grow ing needs of
today s college student. You'll see it in our products and in the way we
do business, so think smart. Think Rev Hank
Ask about our special student financial services.
• Fret Key Choice Checking w ith a S 1(H) balance
• Cash Machines tor 1 i-hour a day. ™-da\ .1 w eek banking convenience
• Student Loans to help manage the high cost of higher education
• MSA & MasterCard
For details. Mop by any ke\ Bank of Oregon office today
I \pircs Id 15 S')
blip photo
{’.mules, exhibits, torn! unit musii will overflow downtown
l.u.uene ns the < it\ k ii k s oil its .innn.il ( elehrntion Sept. ID
\lcmhi-r FDK Fi|uai Opportune Under