Entertainment Celebration promises fun for all IU Dobbin Helm kmorale! ( nntrilnitor "In lllf \\ illami’ltr \ .1111 ■ \ i ilv nl the ilmvnlnun uxpli nil’s in .1 lrs|i\ .il si i ni' \ pni'in mi llii’ i nliirful pusl rr tin llii- I'lHT Imiiptii’(li’lchra lion Intiiiis with lln-si' words Wh.it is I In’ I aipiTJf (lolnbt.1 lion’’ It's pis! uli.il it s.ivs "It's .i u’li’br.ition nl llii’ fail that ui’ tr Iut k\ itiuih;Ii to In’ in tin’ >;n‘.i! Xnrthwrsl sail) I’lnl i J'Sliaiiuhni’ssv () Sli.iunliin ■ s\ win) is ri’sponsibii’ Ini I < In hralinn puhlii inlnrmation works with ( uni Hri'uslot tin spot ml I'MTits inanarjiT anil i n ordm.itor for (In* ( elebra lion I'lii* sl.itf wauls to sire-.', th.it (lie I Hrbr.ition ha sollir thing for everyone Held priniarils utt tin* work mil ol Sept tit ()i t 1 the scar’s i rbtbnilion u ill have mine th.in Ml c\ cuts must t.ik ing place in the downtown .Iren I Im events ini hide i inn petitions v.irving from the Ms road i.11 e .uni lh I nn Hun to the l ire Ihn kel brigade. the Wailer Waitress competition .mil .in .idIIIt liii \i le race i ailed the I'rike ( ulli.ilon There will he ,i parade on Salurdas morning stalling at '( OH a m w ith aliout I ri tloals .mil 111,in limn hands About 10 booths will be M't up .it the ( bmini11nit\ Honth I’.irku a\ .mil noarln foods of .ill sorts will lx- offered .it llic Kxliaoidi n.ii \ 1 .itoi ics area kii k inn off tbr i floliratioii earlier 111 tbr week Will lie till’ Mayor s Art Shim Him* one i .in \ icu some works displayrd In 10 ol tbr top IlH .li altlsls I In altlsls then w ill pit k an Artist's < In>ii «■ to lie bonori'd In tbr rtiayoi These will be r\ hibited at Jacob's nailery in the I loll ( rntri Probably tin main attrai lion ol tbr lainene f rlrbration is tbr Turn to I estival, Page I 1 Happy Hour All Night Long students a bit of happiness. Card To get one, just present student I.D. Then from 7 p m until On Tuesday nights, Original -Joe's With the Original Joes Discount 9 vour driver's license and^r closing you can en)oy happy hour prices on your favorite beverages, as well as I ^discounts on appetizers We also include chips, salsa and bean dip. i Free Come to Original Joe's on Tuesdays. We re celebrating all night Ongm.il Joe’s • 21 West 6th Street • Eugene • Across from the Hilton THINK SMART. THINK KEY BANK. Use Your Key. ke\ Hank is committed to odikation.il opportunities in Oregon. For undergraduate work, postgraduate work, you name it That's win we otter a variety of special financial sen ices to meet the grow ing needs of today s college student. You'll see it in our products and in the way we do business, so think smart. Think Rev Hank Ask about our special student financial services. • Fret Key Choice Checking w ith a S 1(H) balance • Cash Machines tor 1 i-hour a day. ™-da\ .1 w eek banking convenience • Student Loans to help manage the high cost of higher education • MSA & MasterCard For details. Mop by any ke\ Bank of Oregon office today I \pircs Id 15 S') blip photo {’.mules, exhibits, torn! unit musii will overflow downtown l.u.uene ns the < it\ k ii k s oil its .innn.il ( elehrntion Sept. ID BANK \lcmhi-r FDK Fi|uai Opportune Under