Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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University gift funds
three professorships
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NEW YORK ICT VHli '£ L A ? *t V .> .1 1C i, ti V L /m0£- * *»'! 30 >2
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Bv Chris Bouneff
Emerald Assoc i.ite Editor
A $1 million gift made l ues
da\ to the t'niversitv as part of
the ongoing (ampaign tor ()re
Kon is being slated to fund
three faculty positions in both
the College of Business Admin
istration and the Si hool of Jour
t'niversitv President Mvles
Brand said the gift will eslab
lisli an endowed chair in the
business school and two profes
sorships in the journalism
Kugene businesswoman Car
oh n Chambers made the en
dovvincnt as part of the State
System of Higher education's
new endowment lor l\\< ellence
Program. which promises
matching funds from the state
tor private donations made to
anv of Oregon’s eight universi
ties or colleges.
' ( arolvn (.handlers lives tIn•
philosijph> (li.it you return
something to vour iommimi
tv " brand s.mi I uesdav ( air
ulvn. thank von tor helping us
lit111<I for tile future hei ause m
so main wavs the I niversitv ot
Oregon is where the future be
( hamlieis mil 1.111 \ made hei
gill hist Ma\ hut waited until
the Oregon Legislature up
proved the higher educ alion
budget to determine how the
monev would be spent.
Chambers. who founded
Kl /.l IA and owns I t otfier i.a
hie television systems through
out the West, graduated Iroill
the l'niversitv business school
m lT.t She also serves as the
chairwoman hn the national
steering < ommiltee for tlie I in
versity s fundraising drive
"I lie l 'niversitv s reputation
is going to ride on the shoul
drrs ol those professors tli.it .irr
hired in the next lm vr.irx
(ihainbers said 1 lie prosprt I
id helping (hi* Ihiiversitx hr
crnne one uf the hrst in the na
lion is an exciting pnispm I
The rmiou nirnl was an
niium rd Fuesdav morning m
S.drill w ilh (inv \rd < add
si hinidI partii ipating in the
press i onfrrriu r
(joldsi hmidl originalh pro
posed (hr Kndowment lor I s
i rllriH r Program. whit h is
funded by a $1 2 million gener
al fund appropriation .ipprovrd
h\ I hr Oregon Legislature Iasi
rhi' pron nun .mini,ills
m.ili lies the lust i peri flit in
interest income earned In the
endowment, vvhii li equates to
.ill exti.1 $100.1)0(1 III slide tiliuls
it 1 r the I 'niversits
I’lie ke\ is to ri'i mil .mil re
I.oil outstanding fa! nils .uni
through the Chambers gill .mil
other gifts lh.it we hope to re
i eue. we w ill .u coinplish
this " Uusiness School De.in
James Kemmiith said
Chambers' endowment will
i reate the ( hnmbers ( hair ill
Uusiness. the tilth named tai it I
Is position in the business
In the journalism si haul the
gitt i rentes the KIX/1 I V I’rofes
sorship m Kiel tronii Journal
ism and the Chambers Proles
sorship in Advertising
I hm gift is the largest and
most significant benefit to the
School ot Journalism in its I
seal history, said Arnold Is
in.n h school of journalism
Ismach said the endowment
would be used to till vai am les
in the fields ot electrouu jour
nalism and advertising. Isso
areas where the journalism
si hoo! is understaffed
...and to think we met
through an
The rare and timid prairie people
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