_University_ University gift funds three professorships T1 l/* ^ **) o '1 ■'* **r T1 -.0* -V 2 A h -. *„ C f &'? Iflt'/i •? fcAViOtr** • E n ’. trit »* > ,V';4. 10‘!?1 :■ • • 22 B H’ U »l« t: f NEW YORK ICT VHli '£ L A ? *t V .> .1 1C i, ti V L /m0£- * *»'! 30 >2 y*T B J- 0.! f TO ,*, /! '• 44 ' V i; £ ,r * tl'ft t?t>, ii )T:f «» — 5 K t Bv Chris Bouneff Emerald Assoc i.ite Editor A $1 million gift made l ues da\ to the t'niversitv as part of the ongoing (ampaign tor ()re Kon is being slated to fund three faculty positions in both the College of Business Admin istration and the Si hool of Jour nalism t'niversitv President Mvles Brand said the gift will eslab lisli an endowed chair in the business school and two profes sorships in the journalism school. Kugene businesswoman Car oh n Chambers made the en dovvincnt as part of the State System of Higher education's new endowment lor l\\< ellence Program. which promises matching funds from the state tor private donations made to anv of Oregon’s eight universi ties or colleges. ' ( arolvn (.handlers lives tIn• philosijph> (li.it you return something to vour iommimi tv " brand s.mi I uesdav ( air ulvn. thank von tor helping us lit111 x • • • : j | ■ 1991 St6MtVIZ$X (BachelorU : />y.-. CRW >"! ■ utw us$500*c»i±rftia) . t * - h $■ )i r» *•! nt « * v sis * <;>. iu ••? #>B • t» • «# TEL 1 800 53 7 2186 Toll Free ■ 03 ’ 234 5071. tr ^ *- F U S A NY * 7 , A M!“1 ,I|i! TEL 1 800 344 7241 Toll Free) I * #-NY. «LH-Hllil»<„ ii M f t *0 f> 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 6«fc 4331 RESUMES Give your resume .1 professional look, by hav ing it typeset at Letter Perfec t Graphic s. t(K) EMU.bnfc-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri.