Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1989, Page 19, Image 19

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I Diversity students urn* first promised .< lomputer registration s\stem more than JO years ai*o
C ontimied Irom Pam1 1
S< I provides svsti“ius tor about
fit) schools, said Kh k l.ego/.a
S( :T western region director
current lat k of computerized
registration. Sharon Moore .u I
mg dnei tor ot admissions and
registration at (tie computet
ized I t t said I think thev d
better hum up
while IA handles the registra
lion and linant lal systems nl
',(10 schools. according to
1A .ilso uses systems from
Pen option Technology (PI )
which has provided hardware
sy stems to three Pat 10 schools
and l.t .(
I'T h.is l)t*t*n tin* ltMuer m thr
registration database litild with
1 'id schools using I’l systems
"We have been the preduuu
nant player." s<iiil Wendy
/,mer. marketing i oniinuiin .1
tions ntanagei at I’ I
"In t.u t, we feel \\ e hav e
such a leadership position, we
have begun establishing a user
group tor customers in the
higher education market.
Xiner said.
l he computer hardware s\s
t«ms established b\ I’l are
'really applir ation dependent
lor the school." and are not
"like .111 off the shell par kage
she said.
Have We
Got a
Shoe For
The University of Washing
Ion seltn tcii IT for their system
because "number one. they
gave us the best deal, and mini
her two. they're the leader in
the country for telephone regis
(ration " University of Wash
ington Registrar Melanie Hell
In addition. IM met Washing
ton's requirements. including
accommodation ol 4rt phone
lint's with expansion capability
to at least t>4. and having previ
ously installed .1 system in a
university with at least 4.01)0
students. Hell said.
Lane Community College's
IT-installed svstem was selec I
ed after evaluation of five pro
posal respondents The system
met several requirements, in
cluding price, performance, ex
perience with installations, and
amount of volume voi< e record
ing. Jim keizur. LCC director of
computer services said fur
thermore. IT was better, he
Asked about the University's
we < .ui .uhl .1 i HI in t.iki' oil .1
i ni .is needed
Ke.idv in I ni- Minutes
list s registration program
v\ iis tiinm .iti\e m Hlti'.t lull
one ye.'ii l.ilei another illethud
ul i omputer assisted regislra
tion took the forefront in regis
tr.itinn tci hnotugv this s\ s
tem inst.illed .util implement
ed in ('( I A m l‘i7t) is Killed
,m mi line rrgistr.ition svstrm
I his svstrin .dlovvrd studemls
In mlrr.ii I (linn llv vi illi nigis
lt,ilion nflti nils hrliind i ninpti
In trnuiii.ils \s I In* studriits
lislrd tin- i lasses Ihr\ vv .mli‘il
llic nllni.ds enrolled ilium di
Iri tW llllo ill!' i I.ISM'S II dll' dr
sin'd i.i.iss sri t ii in vv .is lull, tin'
i ill ii i.t. i mi III list ot In’* r .iv .111
.iltlr sn linns I In' pini css Intih
I/Hiking for a scholar
ship? Air Force K( TI C' has
two- through fcxir-ycar scholarships
that can C(M‘r tnitkm 1 aixl other txjienses,
[)lus $100 [mt academic iiKHith, tax fn*.
Find (Hit if >HHi (jnalify
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