Registration ( nntinued Irnm P.ik*' I o^ea' [A\e^\e Q\ r\o9 UXe-t^V- .968 <>v*\ The »»' intor^-*-, nam«^s u>\Y"r&n»' u; PotM \ \o * \>c .^pc* 1C yart rS^y llC r c\ata ^ .uvn^3'^ d >»\ »v <&*. *' Vs *&»•? t*uat'°n o( -c \o°ft ‘S rd* »rC nl' - vfte./.^^por* *hich < 0*’%l , v"* .* Vv\^c tot c » test'*" bW c»rds vd>- °%ei l°r old.l.coSfSj ortn* "it *c< k ^°'^''vlnV llV- —sit? \t\» U "VnvVCt «*»«$?**\'£Z* *«* tM to d'^ l° \ t •5** , ,w «&& <, v. trJ^-^wrAj-s^&s to*! o«'c -.•s-siSs^'" 'na° »nd vr o! *»*p roV ««"•"&>* -r{h5-,- o»« . 0u t ^8. ***" Veside»*cc- lom^^"e to »v ... t\«s ' ,.o\\ h» data h. con^^ctt reP'»c*lUd1 P°^du»' C*t‘o iW 1 \d's' to id»’,'vs.,,7,k t" v'r ssv^- ss>.a .^JS^jar \itte* 0$ tU "a:\V.c data hJ(\ h°'h,.o l"cy sw fttt ot'1 ttt cotit I Diversity students urn* first promised .< lomputer registration s\stem more than JO years ai*o Systems C ontimied Irom Pam1 1 S< I provides svsti“ius tor about fit) schools, said Kh k l.ego/.a S( :T western region director current lat k of computerized registration. Sharon Moore .u I mg dnei tor ot admissions and registration at (tie computet ized I t t said I think thev d better hum up while IA handles the registra lion and linant lal systems nl ',(10 schools. according to (a,vie 1A .ilso uses systems from Pen option Technology (PI ) which has provided hardware sy stems to three Pat 10 schools and l.t .( I'T l)t*t*n tin* ltMuer m thr registration database litild with 1 'id schools using I’l systems "We have been the preduuu nant player." s4. and having previ ously installed .1 system in a university with at least 4.01)0 students. Hell said. Lane Community College's IT-installed svstem was selec I ed after evaluation of five pro posal respondents The system met several requirements, in cluding price, performance, ex perience with installations, and amount of volume voi< e record ing. Jim keizur. LCC director of computer services said fur thermore. IT was better, he said. Asked about the University's we < .ui .uhl .1 i HI in t.iki' oil .1 i ni .is needed Ke.idv in I ni- Minutes list s registration program v\ iis tiinm .iti\e m Hlti'.t lull one ye.'ii l.ilei another illethud ul i omputer assisted regislra tion took the forefront in regis tr.itinn tci hnotugv this s\ s tem inst.illed .util implement ed in ('( I A m l‘i7t) is Killed ,m mi line rrgistr.ition svstrm I his svstrin .dlovvrd studemls In mlrr.ii I (linn llv vi illi nigis lt,ilion nflti nils hrliind i ninpti In trnuiii.ils \s I In* studriits lislrd tin- i lasses Ihr\ vv .mli‘il llic nllni.ds enrolled ilium di Iri tW llllo ill!' i I.ISM'S II dll' dr sin'd i.i.iss sri t ii in vv .is lull, tin' i ill ii i.t. i mi III list ot In’* r .iv .111 .iltlr sn linns I In' pini css Intih SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE I/Hiking for a scholar ship? Air Force K( TI C' has two- through fcxir-ycar scholarships that can C(M‘r tnitkm 1 aixl other txjienses, [)lus $100 [mt academic iiKHith, tax fn*. Find (Hit if >HHi (jnalify 754-3291 1 i-admiuf) Kirrikiiir Si.irts Ik-rv UO-Bookstore OREGON DUCK All-Leather Athletic Shoes • 100% Soft Leather • Custom Duck Color Logos • Durable All-Rubber Outsole • Double Alliance Stitching REGULARLY $43.50 GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Return in 30 days for full refund or replacement ■ 13IM & Kincaid I] If 1 M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00-6 00 BOOKSTORE 686 4331