Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section D, Page 19D, Image 124

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    \s lender id the t mimed ■Hit Squad.' Mil hele krebshni h
tfiini with kills on 22 (illusions 1 pre-seuson hand
injurx isn t e\pei tril to slow her duo n this i e,u
Krebsbach (,,n"nm,<i ,rum ^ iri)
IHt it y\ as like I )K I dun I
have In worry ahout wli.it sin- s
thinking anymore Not tli.it il
alfei It'd mn that mm li what shr
thought nt me Iml tIn* ti'iision
w us ,i Ini li'ss
II was her senior vrar. ami I
was a freshman ami 1 i amr m
and was lining really wi'll, anil
I think sin' got si in'll that I was
going In lake a Ini nt things shr
di'Srrvril usvuy tmin hri I think
that was tin- biggrst thing
ODE: Ihil you find voursell
hi'i liming a train Irailrt al that
St K Will, vn hal |y I'vr urv rt
hrrn loud Sly persunaliW jusl
doesn't work that wa\ I’m |Us!
lint a very verbal |irrsnn 1 hal s
unr nt thr things I iirril In work
on this vrar I'm pretty passive
w ith a Int nt tilings It s not that
I'm lint tlirir w ith thr tram
I ni just not vi'lling nr si rrain
1)1)1 I Inw ' 11 ■ s I .• • i i \ In,
nr\ hrail enaeli) trrl aliout
that '
Nth Sauir thlii". Ilr hr. n
tolling mr this for years now
"You gotta hr innrr vrthul you
gotta t.ilk inorr I'vr hrru
hearing it thr whnlr tune
(liliiiihs) l in trvmg it s just
that I gel kind nt emharrassrd
Somi' people I think make
tuuls nt themselves 1 hry rr so
m .mother w orld spastii I
gurss I never yvanlrd to hr that
so I was always quiel I ill prel
ty shy
()|)| Is thru- a Iradi'l ship
problem on thr train?
St k : S rs I think a lot . .I pri i
pie are pretty quirt Strph Nny
der's a hig train leader that s
just her personality When she
got hurt last yrai it gut inorr
quiet and then things started
falling .n>,irt
01)1 W'h.it ,ii.' \uiii plans it
ter gr.idu.ition'
\1K 1 sort of know hut I
don't know where I’m going to
go I don't want to go home
(Southern ( ahlorni.il anti I m
not going to sta\ here either
maybe Northern r.dilornia Hut
I'm going to go into the polit.e
department I hat s been ms
liletime thing People sa\
' you're going to he a t op
W Iiiit ilii you want to ho a • op
loi 1 I tlunk that's uh.it it's «o
ini; to hr. 1 |iisl don't know
u horn
(JDK: Will that involvo a lot
ol tiaininK/
\lk I'tii-ro s sis months o(
physu al traininit and m\
months ot si hool N on i an t on
tor hotoro von to .’1 1 k now a
lot ol pooplo and I know a lot
turn to hrrhsb.u h, Pa^o 201)
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