\s lender id the t mimed ■Hit Squad.' Mil hele krebshni h tfiini with kills on 22 (illusions 1 pre-seuson hand injurx isn t e\pei tril to slow her duo n this i e,u Krebsbach (,,n"nm,,irt 01)1 W'h.it ,ii.' \uiii plans it ter gr.idu.ition' \1K 1 sort of know hut I don't know where I’m going to go I don't want to go home (Southern ( ahlorni.il anti I m not going to sta\ here either maybe Northern r.dilornia Hut I'm going to go into the polit.e department I hat s been ms liletime thing People sa\ ' you're going to he a t op W Iiiit ilii you want to ho a • op loi 1 I tlunk that's uh.it it's «o ini; to hr. 1 |iisl don't know u horn (JDK: Will that involvo a lot ol tiaininK/ \lk I'tii-ro s sis months o( physu al traininit and m\ months ot si hool N on i an t on tor hotoro von to .’1 1 k now a lot ol pooplo and I know a lot turn to hrrhsb.u h, Pa^o 201) .."""""""""""".—1 Illllllllllllllllllllllllll ★ Action Surplus ★ \im> Nan Clothing & equipment imimuuiiiiiiiiimii i I * ★ ★ ★ ★ (tannine Militar\ Issue Wool ( i