Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from P.iri* 8
Javelin throwers I aula Hi’rn
who is nisi 14 inches shy of the
168 6 qualifying mark, ami
him ilyatt. whoso host is an ini
presslvt: 167-1 will look lo
qualify as well
Th«< man's 400-mater relay
tram whose MCA A qualify
ing hid at Ifie 1’ai III meet was
sntiiihed after the team was ills
qualified for a lane violation
will not run due to a hamstring
injury to Davon Russell, who
posted the team's best 100 me
ter time of the year at 111 at)
In addition. i.tton meter
steeplechaser Ruk Mi stier will
attempt to best tile \i AA mark
of 8:48.00 with the help of lei
low steeplei baser Damn Lo
pe/. who rail a season best .it
tile Par-10 meet with 8 i'l 7 1
hlaus VVeigeldt. whose at
tempt to qualify at the I’ai 10
meet was squelched by the
sw irling winds and ari bait
track of Stanford Stadium, w ill
take one final shot (possibly
two) at the NCAA 400 mark of
46.20 behind sprint coach
George Walcott, who will set a
fast pace for the first too meters
and leave the rest to Weigeldt
who has a season best of
U'eigeldts situation resem
tiles that of Duck graduate as
sistant com ii Pal tanning, who
made two gallant attempts to
i|u<ilifs ,i \car ago in the 4()()
Lanning like Wiegeldt. was
lienefitted ti\ .1 |).k er. this one
being ttie world's top ranked
quarter iniler, (Gabriel Tiat oh
After falling short the first
time. !.alining ile< ided to make
<1 surprising set ond attempt la
ter in the meet
Tile pressure involved in the
reali/.ation that, for many this
is indeed a "last t hunee" meet
can lie list'd to an athlete's ad
vantage or it van i oiitrihute to a
negative effect
It Mill let (the pressllre) get
to you, it makes it that much
harder to qualify.'' I aiming
The number of athletes at
tempting to qualify are main
with competitors from around
the northwest region (mi hiding
Colorado and Washington
State) coming in for the meet
With the e\c eption of I land
and Clark on the women's side
no major gate attractions are ex
pected to compete leaving the
ultimate purpose of the meet
i lear and obvious
"To get people qualified
men's head coach Hill Delliii
ger said "At this point, no big
names are expet ted
ramona beats Ducks
1-0 in softball tourney
Thu Oregon softball loam,
making its first-over appear
ance in the College Softball
World Series, would probably
rather forget their debut in the
big tournament
The Ducks, now 53-17.
dropped a 1-0 der ision to Cal
Polv Pomona (-13-21] late Wed
nesday night in Sunnyvale,
Calif., putting themselves one
loss away from elimination in
the double elimination tourna
Oregon pitcher Katie Wiese
(41-12) started out strong, but
gave up a one-out sacrifice fly
to the Broncos' Heather Del.m e
in the bottom of the sixth, scor
ing Nicky I.uce from third with
the game-winner
The Ducks threatened in tin
top of the seventh, pit king up a
two-out single from Stacey
lunderburg, but Oregon's
Sandy Scott looked at a third
strike to end the trail game
The Bronco's Lauri Thomp
son (217) picked up the win,
running her scoreless inning
streak to 74 innings with the
shutout Thompson, w ith m
earned run average of util,
gave up three Oregon hits
Wiese, named to the tir-a
team All -A met ii an squad eat h
er in the day. gave up only tom
hits tint took the loss
The game was a i lassit pin h
ers' duel, scoreless through 11v«
and a hall innings with the
only threat coming in the hot
tom of the fifth
I he Hrom os loaded the liases
with two outs, but I tel in a
grounded out to l underhurg t"
end the inning
The Ducks meanwhile,
stranded two runners in the top
of the first. after Vit ki fry led
off tile game with a single
The Webfoots now face
South Danilina, losers to the
top ranked IICI.A Urn ins earlier
in the day. in the losers brat ket
of the tournament
Eugene's Westside neighborhood cafe, featur
ing home baked breads and desserts, Mex
ican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good
food at a reasonable price
Weekend Dinner Special — Fri., Sat., & Sun.
Seafood chowder,
green salad.
custard cornbread,
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7am to 9 p m daily
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Winning Crew
The Oregon < lub shorts ereu team finished the season on a positive note, taking
home .1 ten trophies from the Xortliwest Regional Rowing t h.impionships the Cham
pionships took place Sutiirda\ \/.n ,'t) in Richland. W ash
File men's eight team nun anil then posed with the Citromhoise Cop (above),
while the men’s open inn u e lour took third pi am' in their men!
I’he women's open eight (below I took the seootul plate medal and the women's
light tour team finished third
( nil rt»*sv Photos
Wiese makes All-American first team
On'tfou pitt hri K.i11• * U irsr
vv.is uni' of thtrr pilt hrrs
mtiiuMl In llii’ first tram \ 11
Ami*! h an sulthall .<juail an
nmnKril VYrilnrsiiav whilr frl
low frrshman Kim Manning
m.itlr t hr Sri oncl tram is lit ill
t\ (Irsi^natrd piavn
rllf I'lH'l I'.ii llli 10 ( litufcr
fin r 1‘l.iyi‘i 'it llir 'i ' ii U irsf
.111(>•-.!i nl m ill i il thr I)in k> 11
giiinrs .tiul li.is ,i rri iml iil
-II 11 vv illi .ini’ c.iriinl mn
,i lifshin.in U irsc If(1 (he
I'.ii 1(1 in i irlu.illv I'Vriv pit' Ii
ini' t .itr^niA mill now mvns
nr,ul\ .ill thr ( )rrmin pit* hum
rri nr<1 s
r»*rr\ (Jiirpriilrr «»t ! rrsno
Male . i! 1 < i \li( lirlr Smith »>t
( )k 1.)tuiiii.i Stair v\ err thr nlhn
first tram pit* hris
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